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PAIN ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at
75. In response to the American Pain Society Quality of Care Committee suggestion, pain was designated as: a. A normal sign of aging. b. The fifth vital sign. c. A part of discharge planning. d. The Decade of Pain Control and Research. 76. Which of the following is an accurate way to characterize pain? a. No pain, no gain. b. Pain must be linked to actual physical damage. c. Pain is a sensory and emotional experience. d. Pain can be categorized by source or severity, but not by duration. 77. Which of the following is characteristic of chronic pain? a. Pain occurring after surgery, fracture, or trauma. b. Constant sharp pains following injury. c. Pain lasting more than 6 months. d. Pain that is easily treated with medication.
78. Which of the following stimulates nociceptors? a. Psychological factors. b. Social factors. c. Electrical factors. d. Mechanical factors. 79. Which of the following groups is underserved in terms of pain management? a. Outpatients. b. Children. c. Men. d. Older adults. 80. The recommended treatment for complex regional pain syndrome is: a. Psychiatric treatment. b. Occupational or physical therapy. c. Daily massage. d. Ultrasound.
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