4. The correct answer is A. Rationale: Physical limitations such as pain or fatigue from illness or procedures can exist. 5. The correct answer is B. Rationale: Even patients who understand English may learn best in another language. It is important to ask patients what their preferred language is for learning (Schouten et al., 2020; Sethi &
5. The correct answer is A. Rationale: Cultural competence within healthcare is the ability of healthcare professionals to incorporate factors associated with culture into providing patient care. 6. The correct answer is C. Rationale: Escalation of behaviors can lead to assault, so earlier interventions are more effective. It is important for healthcare professionals to recognize behaviors and then provide interventions. CHAPTER 4 1. The correct answer is C. Rationale: After identifying a teaching moment, the healthcare professional must immediately act on it. Timeliness is key during a teaching moment, before that time passes. 2. The correct answer is D. Rationale: This answer is open ended and allows the patient to provide details. 3. The correct answer is A. Rationale: Misinformation may connect to patient beliefs. 4. The correct answer is C. Rationale: Presence is about experience and being in the moment, which are essential for teaching moments. 5. The correct answer is B. Rationale: Using real-life examples can be useful, particularly if they are success stories of other patients.
Rani, 2017). CHAPTER 3 1. The correct answer is B.
Rationale: Plain or common language means talking and providing information in a way that most people understand. 2. The correct answer is C. Rationale: Involvement of the patient is crucial for developing rapport and successful teaching. Explanations are needed throughout a conversation, including the purpose of the discussion, and any rationale as appropriate. 3. The correct answer is D. Rationale: With medications, there are requirements such as what the medication is, exactly how the medication is taken, why the patient needs the medication, what side effects can be expected, and how the patient will benefit from the medication. The mechanism of action is not necessary for the patient to know. 4. The correct answer is B. Rationale: Information should be presented in small sections and then verified with the patient
EDUCATING PATIENTS: CREATING TEACHING MOMENTS IN PRACTICE Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book
11. Which of the following statements regarding patient educa- tion is true? a. Education needs to be individualized to the patient and family. b. There is no association between education and out- comes. c. Patient education does not need to be standardized. d. Education is directed only at the patient. 12. Research studies have shown that: a. Group education classes are not effective. b. Elderly patients have the highest comprehension rates. c. Teach-back does not affect patient retention. d. Effective education can improve patient satisfaction. 13. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding health literacy? a. People with high literacy also have high health literacy. b. Ethnicity is not related to health literacy. c. Up to 80% of medication information is immediately for- gotten. d. A red flag for low literacy is someone who frequently uses the Internet. 14. A factor that can be a barrier to teaching and learning is: a. An environment that is too quiet. b. The physical status of the patient. c. The age and generation of the teacher. d. The use of an interpreter. 15. Families should be included in teaching EXCEPT when: a. The family member is younger than age 18. b. The person is not a member of the immediate family. c. The patient does not wish for them to be included. d. The family member is not a caregiver.
16. All of the following behaviors will assist with effective com- munication EXCEPT: a. Maintaining eye contact. b. Using plain language. c. Sitting with the patient. d. Keeping track of the time. 17. One strategy for working with a patient with low health lit- eracy is: a. Referring them to a healthcare app. b. Using the teach-back method. c. Providing detailed information. d. Using correct terminology. 18. A strategy that can help an auditory learner is: a. Discussion. b. Return demonstration. c. Visual aids. d. Use of technology. 19. An example of an effective teach-back question is: a. “How does this medication work in your body?” b. “Tell me what you would do if you felt chest pain.” c. “Do you know you need to check your weight?” d. “Why do you think you got this disease?” 20. Which of the following is a teaching moment? a. A postsurgical patient is fatigued and is nodding off dur- ing teaching. b. A young female patient states, “I think I’m pregnant”. c. A patient with type I diabetes says, “I will check my blood sugars every day”. d. A cardiac patient states, “I will weigh myself every morn- ing”.
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