Texas Physician Ebook Continuing Education


Choose the best possible answer for each question and mark your answers on the self-assessment answer sheet at the end of this book. There is a required score of 70% or better to receive a certificate of completion.

41. What percentage of adults are reported to be affected by diagnostic errors in the outpatient environment? A. 1.5%.

46. What term describes an alarm system that works as designed but signifies an event that is not clinically significant? A. Monitoring device alarm.

B. 3%. C. 5%. D. 8%.

B. False positive alarm. C. False negative alarm. D. Non-actionable alarm.

42. A useful framework for achieving success in clinical decision support design, development, and implementation is the _______________ approach. A. Health IT paradigm. B. CDS Five Rights. C. Medical Digital Interface. D. Electronic Systems Integration. 43. Which phase of the general medical testing process is a known source of diagnostic errors?

47. Studies have shown that the percentage of false alarms in healthcare settings can range from ___ to ___?

A. 42% to 69%. B. 52% to 79%. C. 62% to 89%. D. 72% to 99%.

48. Which of the following is a strategy for reducing the risk that medical staff will experience alarm fatigue? A. Raising the thresholds at which monitoring systems produce an alarm. B. Eliminating alerts embedded in EHR systems. C. Fostering a safety culture in the organization. D. Designating one staff member on each shift to be the one who receives alerts, rather than the entire staff. 49. What have many national organizations suggested as an important step in alarm management? A. Conducting a baseline alarm assessment. B. Training nurses to turn off unnecessary alarm systems. C. Engaging organizational leadership in decisions about reducing alarm fatigue. D. Updating clinical status monitors with devices that have lower sensitivities for physiological variables in order to reduce the incidence of false alarms. 50. What is the rate of death among people aged 65 and older from healthcare-associated C. difficile infection?

A. Pre-analytic. B. Inter-analytic. C. Analytic. D. Post-analytic.

44. What is a potential safety concern related to Clinical Decision Support (CDS) software? A. May override clinician decisions. B. Alert fatigue generated by high rates of computer- generated alerts. C. Prescription of non-preferred medications. D. May raise risk of medication errors. 45. Which teaching tool has been found to be associated with large positive effects on improving clinical reasoning skills among clinicians? A. The use of virtual patients in training. B. Feedback training. C. Grand rounds. D. Case study review.

A. 1 in 11. B. 1 in 15. C. 1 in 20. D. 1 in 22.


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