FL Barber HIV-AIDS Ebook Continuing Education

Conclusion While tremendous progress has been made, we have yet to conquer the HIV/AIDS epidemic. More than 700,000 people with HIV have died in the U.S., with an estimated 18,489 people with HIV dying (from any cause) in the U.S. and its dependent territories in 2020. We must each play our part in increasing prevention efforts in order to save lives and improve the quality of life for those living with HIV. Despite the advances in treatment and therapies, people of the world still risk contracting and transmitting Baton Rouge General. (2021, July 28). What is viral load and why does it matter? Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://brgeneral.org/news-blog/2021/july/what-is-viral-load-and-why-does- it-matter-/ Š Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, September 5). HIV and occupational exposure. Retrieved on March 11, 2023, from https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/workplace/healthcareworkers.html Š Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, June 30). About HIV. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/whatishiv.html Š Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, June 21). HIV basics: Basic statistics. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/statistics.html Š Florida Health [Florida Department of Health]. (2023, January 11). HIV/AIDS. Retrieved on March 12, 2023, from http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/aids/index.html#:~:text=The%20 HIV%20diagnosis%20rate%20per,2018%20to%2029.2%20in%202019 Š Harris, R. (2019, March 5). Bone marrow transplant renders second patient free of HIV. NPR. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www.npr.org/sections/health- shots/2019/03/05/700361887/bone-marrow-transplant-renders-second-patient-free-of-HIV Š HIV.gov. (2017, November 10). Civil rights. Retrieved on March 12, 2023, from https://www.hiv.gov/ hiv-basics/living-well-with-hiv/your-legal-rights/civil-rights/ Š HIV.gov. (2022, June 16). HIV testing locations. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www.hiv. gov/hiv-basics/hiv-testing/learn-about-hiv-testing/where-to-get-tested/ Š References Š HIV.gov. (2022, August 29). National HIV/AIDS strategy (2022‒2025). Retrieved on March 11, 2023, from https://www.hiv.gov/federal-response/national-hiv-aids-strategy/national-hiv-aids- strategy-2022-2025/ Š HIV.gov. (2022, October 27). U.S. statistics. Retrieved on March 11, 2023, from https://www.hiv.gov/ hiv-basics/overview/data-and-trends/statistics/ Š HIV.gov. (2023, March 6). Who should get tested? Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www. hiv.gov/hiv-basics/hiv-testing/learn-about-hiv-testing/who-should-get-tested/ Š HIV.gov. (2023, January 13). What are HIV and AIDS? Retrieved on March 12, 2023, from https:// www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/about-hiv-and-aids/what-are-hiv-and-aids/ Š KFF [Kaiser Family Foundation]. (2011, May 13). Early HIV treatment can reduce transmission risk by 96%, study results show. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www.kff.org/news-summary/ early-hiv-treatment-can-reduce-transmission-risk-by-96-study-results-show/ Š KFF. (2021). The HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States: The basics. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www.kff.org/hivaids/fact-sheet/the-hivaids-epidemic-in-the-united-states-the-basics/

HIV. To conquer the disease and enter the next era of HIV prevention, we must be informed and consistent in our prevention and education efforts. At the same time, we must keep in mind that, although this is a serious disease, it is also a preventable disease, and the extra care that we take in our lives and in our salons can be the difference between life and death – not only for our clients, but also for ourselves. Š KFF. (2022). The global HIV/AIDS epidemic. Retrieved on March 12, 2022, from https://www.kff.org/ global-health-policy/fact-sheet/the-global-hivaids-epidemic/ Š Mayo Clinic. (2022, July 29). HIV/AIDS. Retrieved on March 12, 2023, from https://www.mayoclinic. org/diseases-conditions/hiv-aids/symptoms-causes/syc-20373524 Š MedicalNewsToday. (2018, November 9). What is an HIV viral load? Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323851 Š MedlinePlus [National Library of Medicine]. (2022, August 22). CD4 lymphocyte count. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/cd4-lymphocyte-count/ Š National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Office of NIH History & Stetten Museum: In their own words… NIH researchers recall the early years of AIDS. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://history.nih. gov/display/history/discovery+of+hiv Š National Institutes of Health. (2018, November 26). National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Antiretroviral drug discovery and development. Retrieved on March 13, 2023, from https://www.niaid.nih.gov/diseases-conditions/antiretroviral-drug-development Š National Institutes of Health. (2018, November 29). National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Condom use for preventing HIV infection. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https:// www.niaid.nih.gov/diseases-conditions/condom-use Š U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2023, January 25). Labor force statistics from the current population survey. Retrieved on March 14, 2023, from https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat11b.htm Š U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2019, August 8). HIV: Frequently asked questions. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://www.hiv.va.gov/patient/faqs/transmission-of-undetectable-virus.asp Š U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2022). HIV. Retrieved on March 12, 2023, from https://www.hiv. va.gov/patient/index.asp Š U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2020, August 7). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Retrieved on March 12, 2023, from https://www.fda.gov/drugs/information-drug-class/human- immunodeficiency-virus-hiv Š Watson, S. (2022). Antiretroviral HIV drugs: Side effects and adherence . Healthline. Retrieved on March 10, 2023, from https://healthline.com/health/hiv-aids/antiretroviral-drugs-side-effects- adherence Š West, M. (2021, July 28). Do people consider having HIV or AIDS to be a disability? Retrieved on March 24, 2023, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-hiv-aids-a-disability#at-work

HIV/AIDS: PROTECTING YOUR CLIENTS AND YOURSELF FOR BARBERS, 2ND EDITION Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 12, or complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book

1. Increased and ever evolving understanding of the virus and resulting illness has led to the development of medicines that are effectively treating the disease for those who take them regularly. a. True. b. False. 2. All findings point to the fact that starting treatment for HIV early (as soon as possible after diagnosis) significantly improves the patient’s health, reduces the risk of illness and death, and decreases the risk of onward transmission by 96%. a. True. b. False. 3. AIDS is the fifth and most severe phase of HIV infection. a. True. b. False. 4. To prevent transmission of HIV in the workplace, barbers, cosmetologists, and other health and human service providers must assume that blood and other body fluids from all patients are potentially infectious. a. True. b. False. 5. Service providers are required to disclose personal HIV status in the workplace. a. True. b. False.

6. Over time, if left untreated, HIV can destroy so many CD4 cells that the body can’t fight off infections and disease, allowing opportunistic infections or cancers to take advantage of a very weak immune system.

a. True. b. False.

7. The estimated number of new HIV infections in the U.S. in 2019 was 34,800, showing an increase when compared with 2015. a. True. b. False. 8. HIV is no longer considered an epidemic and major health issue in the U.S. a. True. b. False. 9. In the U.S., HIV is most commonly spread through sexual intercourse, be it anal or vaginal, and by sharing drug-use equipment (or works) with someone who is carrying the virus.

a. True. b. False.

10. Most people in the U.S. who are living with HIV and receiving treatment do not have AIDS and will never progress into the AIDS phase of the disease.

a. True. b. False.

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