Illinois Funeral Ebook Continuing Education

1910.1048(n)(3)(ii)(A) A description of the potential health hazards associated with exposure to formaldehyde and a description of the signs and symptoms of exposure to formaldehyde. 1910.1048(n)(3)(ii)(B) Instructions to immediately report to the employer the development of any adverse signs or symptoms that the employee suspects is attributable to formaldehyde exposure. 1910.1048(n)(3)(iii) Description of operations in the work area where formaldehyde is present and an explanation of the safe work practices appropriate for limiting exposure to formaldehyde in each job; 1910.1048(n)(3)(iv) The purpose for, proper use of, and limitations of personal protective clothing and equipment; 1910.1048(n)(3)(v) Instructions for the handling of spills, emergencies, and clean-up procedures; 1910.1048(n)(3)(vi) An explanation of the importance of engineering and work practice controls for employee protection and any necessary instruction in the use of these controls; and 1910.1048(n)(3)(vii) A review of emergency procedures including the specific duties or assignments of each employee in the event of an emergency. 1910.1048(n)(4) Access to training materials. 1910.1048(n)(4)(i) The employer shall inform all affected employees of the location of written training materials and shall make these materials readily available, without cost, to the affected employees. 1910.1048(n)(4)(ii) The employer shall provide, upon request, all training materials relating to the employee training program to the Assistant Secretary and the Director. 1910.1048(o)(1) Exposure measurements. The employer shall establish and maintain an accurate record of all measurements taken to monitor employee exposure to formaldehyde. This record shall include: 1910.1048(o)(1)(i) The date of measurement; 1910.1048(o)(1)(ii) The operation being monitored; 1910.1048(o)(1)(iii) The methods of sampling and analysis and evidence of their accuracy and precision; 1910.1048(o)(1)(iv) The number, durations, time, and results of samples taken; 1910.1048(o)(1)(v) The types of protective devices worn; and 1910.1048(o)(1)(vi) The names, job classifications, and exposure estimates of the employees whose exposures are represented by the actual monitoring results.

1910.1048(o)(2) Exposure determinations. Where the employer has determined that no monitoring is required under this standard, the employer shall maintain a record of the objective data relied upon to support the determination that no employee is exposed to formaldehyde at or above the action level. 1910.1048(o)(3) Medical surveillance. The employer shall establish and maintain an accurate record for each employee subject to medical surveillance under this standard. This record shall include: 1910.1048(o)(3)(i) The name of the employee; 1910.1048(o)(3)(ii) The physician's written opinion; 1910.1048(o)(3)(iii) A list of any employee health complaints that may be related to exposure to formaldehyde; and 1910.1048(o)(3)(iv) A copy of the medical examination results, including medical disease questionnaires and results of any medical tests required by the standard or mandated by the examining physician. 1910.1048(o)(4) Respirator fit testing. 1910.1048(o)(4)(i) The employer shall establish and maintain accurate records for employees subject to negative pressure respirator fit testing required by this standard. 1910.1048(o)(4)(ii) This record shall include: 1910.1048(o)(4)(ii)(A) A copy of the protocol selected for respirator fit testing. 1910.1048(o)(4)(ii)(B) A copy of the results of any fit testing performed. 1910.1048(o)(4)(ii)(C) The size and manufacturer of the types of respirators available for selection. 1910.1048(o)(4)(ii)(D) The date of the most recent fit testing, the name of each tested employee, and the respirator type and face-piece selected. 1910.1048(o)(5) Record retention. The employer shall retain records required by this standard for at least the following periods: 1910.1048(o)(5)(i) Exposure records and determinations shall be kept for at least 30 years. 1910.1048(o)(5)(ii) Medical records shall be kept for the duration of employment, plus 30 years. 1910.1048(o)(5)(iii) Respirator fit testing records shall be kept until replaced by a more recent record. 1910.1048(o)(6) Availability of records. 1910.1048(o)(6)(i) Upon request, the employer shall make all records maintained as a requirement of this standard available for examination and copying to the Assistant Secretary and the Director.

1910.1048(o) Recordkeeping—

Book Code: FIL1225

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