Florida Dentist Ebook Continuing Education

Resources ● Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): The AHRQ website is the landmark site for clinical information on evidence-based practice, clinical guidelines, medical effectiveness, pharmaceutical therapy, new technology, screening and preventive services, outcomes research, and the National Guideline Clearinghouse. Website : http://www.ahrq.gov ● AHRQ Patient Safety Network: The AHRQ consumer web page (https://psnet.ahrq.gov), is dedicated to providing patients and consumers with information related to preventing medical errors and ensuring that they receive quality care. Taking Care of Myself: A Guide for When I Leave the Hospital is a resource designed to help patients cope after discharge from the hospital (https://www.ahrq. gov/patients-consumers/diagnosis-treatment/hospitals- clinics/goinghome/index.html). The easy-to-read guide is available in English and Spanish and can be used by hospital staff and patients during the discharge process. It provides several ways for patients to track medication schedules, medical appointments, and important phone numbers. Website : https://psnet.ahrq.gov ● American Dental Association (ADA): The ADA’s website is the home of America’s leading advocate for oral health. This site is excellent for oral care providers and patients. All major treatment, research, education, and public policy/law topics are covered and constantly updated. A recent review on patient safety in the dental office is available at http:// www.ada.org/~/media/ADA/Education%20and%20Careers/ Files/Ensuring_patient_safety_in_dentistry_Stewart_and_ Kalenderian_for_posting_v2.ashx The Dental Quality Alliance (DQA) was established by the ADA to develop performance measures for oral health care. The DQA is an organization of major stakeholders in oral healthcare delivery using a collaborative approach to develop oral healthcare measures. The DQA can be accessed on the ADA website at http://www.ada.org/en/ science-research/dental-quality-alliance ● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The CDC website has information about specific diseases, injuries, life stages, and preventive health measures for ● Health and Medicine Division (HMD) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: The HMD is an independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental organization that provides advice to decision makers and the public. Website : http://www.nationalacademies.org/HMD ● Healthgrades: Healthgrades is a commercial website that provides consumers with information concerning healthcare providers. Website : http://www.healthgrades.com ● Institute for Healthcare Improvement: The Institute for Healthcare Improvement is dedicated to improving the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). (2014). Adverse incident report process. Retrieved from https://ahca.myflorida.com/Executive/Inspector_General/Internal_Audit/docs/FY2013-2014/13-06AdverseIn cidentReportProcessAudit.pdf Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (n.d.a). Medical errors and patient safety. Retrieved from http://www.ahrq.gov/research/findings/factsheets/errors-safety/ Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.b). Patient safety organization general information: What is a PSO? Retrieved from https://pso.ahrq.gov/faq#WhatisaPSO Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2000). Reducing errors in health care. Retrieved from http:// archive.ahrq.gov/qual/errors.htm Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2001). Root cause analysis. In H. Wald & K. Shojania (Eds.), Making health care safer: A critical analysis of patient safety practices. Retrieved from http://archive.ahrq. gov/clinic/ptsafety/chap5.htm Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2002). 20 tips to help prevent medical errors in children: Patient fact sheet (AHRQ Publication No. 02-P034). Retrieved from http://archive.ahrq.gov/ consumer/20tipkid.htm Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2003). Efforts to reduce medical errors: AHRQ’s response to Senate Committee on Appropriations questions. In AHRQ’s patient safety initiative: Building foundations, reducing risk. Retrieved from https://archive.ahrq.gov/research/findings/final-reports/pscongrpt/psini2.html Š professionals and consumers. Website : http://www.cdc.gov References Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2005). AHRQ summary statement on comparative hospital public reporting. Retrieved from http://www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Modules/QI_Reporting/ Model_report_summary.pdf Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2006). AHRQuality Indicators ™ : Patient safety indicators overview. Retrieved from http://www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Modules/psi_overview.aspx Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2007). Patient safety tools: Improving safety at the point of care. Retrieved from https://archive.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/ resources/pips/ Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2008). New AHRQ study finds surgical errors cost nearly $1.5 billion annually. Retrieved from http://archive.ahrq.gov/news/newsroom/press-releases/2008/surgerr.html Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2009a). AHRQ’s efforts to prevent and reduce healthcare- associated infections: Fact sheet (AHRQ Publication No. 09-P013). Retrieved from http://www.ahrq.gov/ research/findings/factsheets/errors-safety/haiflyer/haiflyer.pdf Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2009b). Blood thinner pills: Your guide to using them safely (AHRQ Publication No. 09-0086-C). Retrieved from https://www.ahrq.gov/patients-consumers/diagnosis- treatment/treatments/btpills/btpills.html Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2010a). Taking care of myself: A guide for when I leave the hospital (AHRQ Publication Number 10-0059-C). Retrieved from https://www.ahrq.gov/patients-consumers/ diagnosis-treatment/hospitals-clinics/goinghome/index.html Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2010b). TeamSTEPPS ® : National implementation. Retrieved from http://teamstepps.ahrq.gov

quality and safety of health care worldwide. IHI has received support from such organizations as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation. Website : http://www.ihi.org ● Institute for Safe Medication Practices: ISMP’s consumer website (ISMP MedSafetyAlert!) specifically addresses the prevention of medication errors and provides consumers with the option of receiving e-mails containing safety alerts concerning their specific medications. Website : http://www.consumermedsafety.org/tools-and- resources/medication-safety-tools-and-resources/know-your- medicine/get-free-personalized-drug-updates ● The Joint Commission: The Joint Commission is an independent organization that provides accreditation and certification to healthcare organizations and programs. Website : http://www.jointcommission.org The Joint Commission has several tools available to consumers on its website, including how to find reliable health information; the Speak Up program (in partnership with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; http:// www.jointcommission.org/speakup.aspx), which helps consumers become their own advocates; and Quality Check (http://www.qualitycheck.org/consumer/searchQCR.aspx), a way to compare accredited hospitals in their area. ● Leapfrog Group: The Leapfrog Group is an employer- based coalition advocating for improved transparency, quality, and safety in hospitals. Website : http://www.leapfroggroup.org ● National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP): NASHP is an independent academy of state health policy makers that fosters communication among branches of state government. Website : http://www.nashp.org ● National Patient Safety Foundation: The NPSF partners with patients, families, and the healthcare community to advance the safety of patients as well as that of the healthcare workforce. Website : http://www.npsf.org ● U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Website : http://www.hhs.gov ● U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Website : http://www.va.gov ● U.S. Food and Drug Administration: The FDA consumer website provides readers with audience-specific information, safety alerts, and updates on FDA-regulated products. Website : http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/default.htm ● FDA MedWatch Website: MedWatch, the FDA’s safety information and adverse event reporting program, relies on consumers as well as healthcare professionals to provide information concerning problems with FDA-regulated products. Website : http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch ● World Health Organization Website : http://www.who.int/en Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2013). 2008 National healthcare quality report. Retrieved from https://archive.ahrq.gov/research/findings/nhqrdr/nhqr08/nhqr08.pdf Š Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2014). WebM&M: Morbidity and mortality rounds on the web. Retrieved from https://psnet.ahrq.gov/webmm Š American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Council on Clinical Affairs. (2009). Guideline on use of local anesthesia for pediatric dental patients. Retrieved from http://www.aapd.org/media/Policies_Guidelines/G_ LocalAnesthesia.pdf Š American Dental Association (ADA), Council on Dental Practice/Division of Legal Affairs. (2007). Dental records. Retrieved from http://www.raedentalmanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ADA-Dental- Records.pdf Š American Dental Association. (2012). 2010 survey of dental practice: Characteristics of dentists in private practice and their patients. Chicago, IL: American Dental Association. Š American Dental Association. (2016). Principles of ethics and code of professional conduct. Retrieved from http://www.ada.org/~/media/ADA/Member%20Center/FIles/2016_ADA_Code_Of_Ethics.pdf?la=en Š Andel, C., Davidow, S., Hollander, M., & Moreno, D. (2012). The economics of health care quality and medical errors. Journal of Health Care Finance, 39 (1), 39-50. Š Anderson, L. M., Scrimshaw, S. C., Fullilove, M. T., Fielding, J. E., Normand, J., & the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2003). Culturally competent health care systems: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 24 (Suppl 3), 68-70. Š Bahl, R. (2004). Local anesthesia in dentistry. Anesthesia Progress, 51 (4), 138-142. Š Barclay, L. (2010). Medscape medical news: Interruptions linked to medication errors by nurses. Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/720803 Š Benner, P. E., Malloch, K., & Sheets, V. (Eds.). (2010). Nursing pathways for patient safety. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Š Bloom, B., & Cohen, R. A. (2010). Dental insurance for persons under age 65 years with private health insurance: United States, 2008. NCHS Data Brief No. 40. Retrieved from https://permanent.access.gpo.gov/ gpo6914/db40.pdf Š Brennan, T. A., Gawande, A., Thomas E., & Studdert, D. (2005). Accidental deaths, saved lives, and improved quality. New England Journal of Medicine, 353 (13), 1405-1409. Š Brennan, T. A., Leape, L. L., Laird, N. M., Hebert, L., Localio, A., Lawthers, A., … Hiatt, H. (2004). Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients: Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 13 (2), 145-152. Š Canale, S. T. (2005). Wrong-site surgery: A preventable complication. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 433, 26-29. Š Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2009). Home & Recreation Safety: Older adult falls. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/HomeandRecreationalSafety/Falls Š Chang, H. H., Lee, J. J., Cheng, S. J., Yang, P. J., Hahn, L. J., Kuo, Y. S., … Kok, S. H. (2004). Effectiveness of an educational program in reducing the incidence of wrong-site tooth extraction. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics, 98 (3), 288-294.


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