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FLORIDA CHILD ABUSE STATISTICS According to Florida’s Child Abuse Death Review Committee’s 2021 annual report: ● The number of verified child deaths from maltreatment in 2020 was 49, of which 29 (59%) resulted from neglect, and 20 (41%) resulted from abuse. ● Of the 49 child fatalities verified to be the result of abuse and/or neglect, 22 (45%) were classified as accidents, and 20 (41%) were classified as homicides. Medical examiners do not have the choice of maltreatment as a manner of death; hence the frequent classification of “accidental death.” However, investigators have the option of verifying the deaths as resulting from “neglect.” ● Among the verified maltreatment deaths, 45 (approximately 92%) resulted from an external injury, and 4 (approximately Title XLIII, Chapter 741, of the 2022 Florida Statutes defines domestic violence as any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or household member (§741.28). However, domestic violence is more than a physical assault. It is a pattern of behaviors that individuals use against their intimate partners or former partners to establish power and control. It may include physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual, or economic abuse. It may also include the use of threats, isolation, pet abuse, children as pawns, and a variety of other behaviors to maintain power over the partner through violence, fear, and intimidation. Consent to Report Title XLVI, Chapter 790 (§790.24), requires that any physician, nurse, or employee of a hospital, sanitarium, clinic, or nursing home who treats or is asked to treat any gunshot wound or life-threatening injury indicating an act of violence must report this information immediately to local law enforcement. However, most injuries resulting from domestic violence are less severe and are not covered by this statute. Domestic Violence Definition of Terms Because a competent individual has a right to privacy and self-determination in Florida, a healthcare provider may not report domestic violence without informed consent , even if the victim admits to it. Reporting suspected domestic violence without informed consent is considered unethical in the state of Florida and may leave the healthcare provider who reported the violence open to civil action. However, a healthcare provider can counsel their patient to report the incident to law enforcement and/or seek assistance through a local domestic violence center. Healthcare providers should adhere to their facility policy and procedures when counseling a victim of domestic violence. Prevention and Intervention Through community-based partnerships, the FDCF administers and coordinates statewide activities related to the prevention and intervention of domestic violence. The FDCF’s domestic violence program serves as a clearinghouse for domestic violence information. It also regulates, certifies, and monitors domestic violence centers across the state of Florida. There are currently 41 certified domestic violence centers that provide

8%) resulted from a medical cause. The rest were undetermined as to whether they resulted from an injury or a medical cause. ● In Florida in 2020, inflicted trauma was the third most common type of preventable child death, after sleep-related infant death and drowning. Children younger than one year accounted for almost 27% of these deaths. Inflicted trauma includes abuse of a child by way of hands, fists, and feet, as well as by way of firearms and other weapons. ● Children age five and younger account for almost 84% of preventable child deaths reviewed by the committee, with the most vulnerable being younger than age one, accounting for almost 52%. (Released December 2021, https:/ /www.flcadr.com/ documents/2021CADRAnnualReport_Final.pdf) crisis intervention and support services to adult victims of domestic violence and their children free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The program’s hotline number is 1-800-500- 1119 (Florida Relay 711; Florida Department of Children and Families, 2019b). Further information about domestic violence programs can be found at http://www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/ domestic-violence/ A list of Florida domestic violence centers, by county or city, is available through the FDCF at https://www. Florida hotlines received 72,321 domestic violence calls during fiscal year 2020–2021. Survivors indicate that calling the hotline is often their first attempt at reaching out for help. It should be noted, however, that many survivors of domestic violence do not reach out for services. Domestic violence can have a profound effect on children. Many victims of domestic violence flee their homes with their children. During fiscal years 2019–2020 and 2020–2021, 10,291 children age 17 and younger were served by certified shelters in Florida. Domestic Violence Crime in Florida ● In 2019, overall crime decreased by 4.6%; however, reports of domestic violence increased by 0.4%. ● In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, overall crime decreased by 14.1%, while reported domestic violence offences increased by 1.16%. ● In 2020, there were 217 people who died as a result of domestic violence homicide, representing approximately 20% of all Florida homicides. ● In 2020, there were 106,515 domestic violence offenses reported to law enforcement, resulting in 63,217 arrests. Floridians Seeking Domestic Violence Assistance ● In fiscal year 2020–2021, there were 10,287 individuals who received shelter at a certified domestic violence center. ● In fiscal year 2020–2021, survivors and their children spent 412,360 nights in shelters. ● In fiscal year 2020–2021, there were 150,799 safety plans completed with survivors. Retrieved from: ● https://www.myflfamilies.com myflfamilies.com/services/abuse Prevalence of Domestic Violence

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