Florida Dentist Ebook Continuing Education

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ORAL HEALTH ISSUES FOR THE FEMALE PATIENT, 3RD EDITION Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book

177. Which of the following statements is correct regarding aggressive periodontitis? a. The disease typically appears around the onset of puberty. b. The disease most commonly manifests late in life. c. Males have been affected to a much greater extent than females. d. An absence of bony defects is characteristic of the disease. 178. Aside from their influence on periodontal tissues, sex hormones also affect: a. Cardiovascular capacity.

179. Puberty-related gingival inflammation and enlargement is: a. More common in females. b. More common in males. c. Equally common in males and females. d. Related to the age of onset of puberty. 180. Clinically, puberty-associated gingivitis is commonly characterized by: a. Atrophic gingiva. b. Radiologic evidence of bone loss.

c. Pale gingival margins. d. Bleeding on probing.

b. Bone turnover rate. c. Tooth mineralization. d. Amelogenesis.


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