Florida Dental Hygienist Ebook Continuing Education

for osteoporosis patients are usually given in much lower doses and a reduced duration of administration compared to those uswed for oncology patients (Chan,et.al., 2018). However, in a systematic literature review of MRONJ in osteoporotic patients treated with oral bisphosphonates, the most common characteristics of those who developed ONJ were being female, being aged 60 years or older, and having had previous Conclusion The oral health of men and women differs for a variety of reasons ranging from biological differences to different roles and perceptions. Oral health issues of female patients also change throughout their life cycle. Most pubertal females with healthy gingiva will not develop gingival inflammation, but some individuals will have gingival inflammation with even minor accumulation of dental plaque. Many oral changes may occur with the start of menses and over the menstrual cycle, including swollen gingival tissues, activation of herpes labialis, aphthous ulcers, prolonged bleeding following oral surgery, and swollen salivary glands. Most evidence does not support a putative association between oral contraceptives and gingivitis or periodontitis, but further research is needed. During pregnancy, a woman is exposed to significant hormonal changes that, in turn, affect the oral tissues. Importantly, most References Š Academy for Eating Disorders. (n.d.). Information on eating disorders . https://web4health.info/en/med/docs/ acadeatdis.html Š Aldhalaan, N. A., BaQaia A., & Al-Omar, . (2020). Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: A review. Cureus. 12 (2), e6944. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov>articles>PMC7067354 Š Ali, I., Patthi, B., Singla, A., Gupta, R., Dhama, K., Niraj, L. K., … Prasad, M. (2016). Oral health and oral contraceptive – Is it a shadow behind broad day light? 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