Ohio Cosmetology Safety, Sanitation, and Infection Control

(MM) "Shaving the face" as used in division (A)(1)(a)of section 4709.01 of the Revised Code, means the removal of hair from the face, area under the chin and jawline, and/or the front of the neck of an individual, using a straight razor. (NN) "Straight razor" means a razor with a long, unguarded, straight cutting edge. (PP) "Therapy" means a non-invasive, non-medical, and non- healing service, such as aromatherapy or other relaxation services. (QQ) "Unregulated services" means services that are not regulated under the Ohio Revised Code or Administrative Code or the laws or regulations of any other governmental agency. Rule 4713-1-09: Animals Forbidden in Salons, Tanning Facilities, Schools and In the Board. (A) Animals, with the exception of fish in an aquarium maintained in a sanitary condition and service animals as defined in rule 4723-1-01 of the Administrative Code, are not permitted in a cosmetology salon, barber shop, tanning facility, or cosmetology or barber school, or in the offices of the board. (B) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (A) of this rule, the board may grant a renewable, one-year exemption for one animal per salon, barber shop, tanning facility, or school under the following conditions: (1) A board-approved application for an exemption is made by the owner of the salon, barber shop, school, or tanning facility. (2) The individual filing the application is also the owner of the animal to be exempted. (3) The individual submits a general liability or equivalent Last updated March 18, 2022, at 1:30. insurance policy which contains sufficient coverage for any actions taken by the animal identified in the application. (4) The individual submits a photograph of the animal to be exempted. If the exemption is approved, the individual salon, barber shop, tanning facility, or school owner must maintain this photograph at the salon, barber shop, tanning facility, or school at all times. (5) Any animal granted an exemption under this rule shall be kept away from the immediate area where services are being performed. (C) A service animal shall be tethered or otherwise restrained and, unless necessary to provide the service to its owner, the service animal shall be kept away from the immediate area where services are being performed. If a service animal is disruptive or is not trained, the salon, barber shop, facility, or school may request that the animal be removed.

(II) "Owner" means a person who has substantial control and a financial interest over a salon, barber shop, school, or tanning facility. (JJ) "Person" includes an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, or association. (KK) "Porous" means a material that permits fluids, gases, or debris to be absorbed or to pass through. Porous implements may not be cleaned and disinfected for reuse and shall be discarded after one use, as set forth in rule 4713-15-03 of the Administrative Code. (LL) "Service animal" means any animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability, or trained to assist a mobility impaired individual. OAC Chapter 4713-1: Administration A copy of the sanitary standards must be posted in every cosmetology school and workplace setting as stated in the section below. Rule 4713.081 Posting Copies of Sanitary Standards (OCBB, 2022) The state cosmetology and barber board shall furnish a copy of the sanitary standards established by rules adopted under section 4713.08 of the Revised Code to each individual to whom the board issues a practicing license, advanced license, license to operate a salon or school of cosmetology, or boutique services registration. The board also shall furnish a copy of the sanitary standards to each individual providing cosmetic therapy, massage therapy, or other professional service in a salon under section 4713.42 of the Revised Code. A salon or school of cosmetology provided a copy of the sanitary standards shall post the standards in a public and conspicuous place in the salon or school. Rule 4713-1-07: Prohibited Acts. (F)Performing or providing services that are not within the scope of cosmetology, or branch of cosmetology for which the individual is licensed, including, but not limited to: (1) Use of a bladed implement to remove skin cells

that are below the stratum corneum, including dermaplaning, skin leveling, or other similar procedures.

(2) Practicing reflexology. (3) Performing lymphatic drainage. (4) Tattoo removal.

Rule 4713-1-08: Chemicals, Equipment and Service Approval. The use of all chemicals in the provision of any cosmetology service, and any equipment or implements in the provision of any cosmetology service is subject to the approval of the board to ensure the health and safety of licensees, boutique services registration holders, permit and certificate holders, and patrons. Last updated March 16, 2022, at 2:51 PM. Trafficking Education Rule 4713-1-14: Trafficking Education. (A) All licensees and students enrolled in a cosmetology or barber school shall receive training on human trafficking either while enrolled in a cosmetology or barber school or through a continuing education program. Individuals currently holding licenses issued by the board and who must complete training on human trafficking through a continuing education program shall do so in accordance with policy established by the board. Individuals who obtain licensure under section 4709.08 or 4713.34 of the Revised Code shall complete training on human trafficking prior to the next biennial renewal period for the license held.

Last updated March 18, 2022, at 1:30 PM.

(B) As required under section 5502.63 of the Revised Code, salons, barber shops, cosmetology and barber schools, and tanning facilities are encouraged to display posters prepared by the division of criminal justice services in the Ohio department of public safety to alert any victim of human trafficking, or persons that know victims of human trafficking, of available services. (C) Persons applying for a boutique services registration shall receive training on human trafficking as a condition for

renewing the boutique services registration. Last updated March 18, 2022, at 1:30 PM.

Book Code: COH0325A


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