ALL COURSES IN THIS BOOK FULFILL YOUR ELECTIVE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 1: Aftercare - Extending a Helping Hand All Year Round, 2nd edition [1 CE hour] This course will enable the funeral professional to provide a range of aftercare services to their clients. The aftercare program involves more than just sending the family a thank-you card. Aftercare offers a myriad of services: Helping the family complete forms where the funeral home takes no direct interest, for example, nonassigned insurance and/or military benefit forms, calling to check up on the family to see how they are doing, and even having events through the year like a Christmas memorial program. These services help the family to continue to celebrate their loved one’s life and help the bereaved to move forward. Each funeral home offers a different set of aftercare services for its customers based on the needs of the community it serves; therefore, using the correct services creates an effective aftercare program. Even though aftercare does not directly affect the bottom line financially, it will increase business in the long run if done correctly. Chapter 2: An Understanding of Grief and the Role of the Funeral Professional 6 [1 CE hour] 1 Gaining an understanding of grief, how it is felt and expressed by the bereaved, and how its expression may depend on the kind of loss sustained, will allow funeral directors to respond to their clients more empathically, providing comfort where they can. It may also serve to give the funeral director insight into their own feelings arising from being around others’ grief. Funeral directors have a frontline experience of the loss of their client’s experience. This basic-level course will walk through the five stages of grief and bereavement and explore how different relationships are affected by the loss of loved ones. Chapter 3: Ethical Standards in the Funeral Industry 11 [2 CE hours] This course has been developed to create a framework surrounding ethics within the funeral service industry. The principles of ethics are critical in this field of service, since human interaction and empathy are the driving force behind what funeral professionals do. This course will identify the impact of basic ethical principles not only on an individual level, but also on an organizational level, and their overall
influence on the success of our industry. Chapter 4: Mass Fatalities Incidents
[1 CE hour] Funeral directors and embalmers play an active role in the aftermath of mass fatality incidents (MFIs). This course will define MFIs and their classification levels, as well as the preparation, consideration, coordination, and communication required to best serve the victims and loved ones affected. Chapter 5: The Culture of Death and Funerals [1 CE hour] When it comes time to plan and hold a funeral, religion is not far from many people’s minds. This is rightfully so. The traditions, values, and community that a religious practice can bring are invaluable when facing bereavement and making meaning out of loss. But funerals are not just religious events, even for religiously minded people. Funerals and the traditions families look to enact during them are also shaped by many other factors, including the deceased’s and their family’s cultural, racial, and ethnic background. It is these factors that this course will consider. Final Examination Answer Sheet
©2024: All Rights Reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission or consent of Colibri Healthcare, LLC. The materials presented in this course are meant to provide the consumer with general information on the topics covered. The information provided was prepared by professionals with practical knowledge in the areas covered. It is not meant to provide medical, legal or professional services advice. Colibri Healthcare, LLC recommends that you consult a medical, legal or professional services expert licensed in your state. Colibri Healthcare, LLC has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all content provided in this course is accurate and up to date at the time of printing, but does not represent or warrant that it will apply to your situation or circumstances and assumes no liability from reliance on these materials.
Book code: FAR0624
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