Texas Pharmacy Ebook Continuing Education

Chapter 1: Overview of Texas Pharmacy Law, 2nd Edition (Mandatory) 1 Contact Hour

By: Patricia Weiser, PharmD Author Disclosure: Patricia Weiser, PharmD, and Colibri Health- care, LLC do not have any actual or potential conflicts of interest in relation to this lesson. Universal Activity Number UAN: 0607-0000-23-017-H03-P Target Audience: Pharmacists in a community-based setting. To Obtain Credit: A minimum test score of 75 percent is needed to obtain a credit. Please submit your answers either by mail, fax, or online at EliteLearning.com/Book Questions regarding statements of credit and other customer ser- vice issues should be directed to 1-888-666-9053. This lesson is $9.95. Activity Type: Knowledge-based Initial Release Date: 7/28/2023 Expiration Date: 7/26/2026 Learning objectives After completing this course, the learner should be able to: Š Describe the eligibility qualifications and make-up of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. Š Explain the powers and duties of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. Introduction The Texas State Board of Pharmacy is the regulatory and disci- plinary body responsible for management of the pharmacy pro- fession in the state of Texas. This organization is responsible for providing rules, regulations, and guidance regarding all areas of pharmacy practice. It is the responsibility of pharmacists, pharma- cy interns, and pharmacy technicians to maintain competency in understanding and applying these rules to their daily pharmacy practice. This continuing education course provides important background information on the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, its role in revis- ing and adopting changes to the law, and important Texas state pharmacy law updates from early 2021 through the first half of 2023. When the Board adopts changes or updates to Texas phar- macy law, these changes are enacted in the following locations:

Colibri Healthcare, LLC is accredited by the Accredita- tion Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a pro- vider of continuing pharmacy education. Participants of the session who complete the evaluation and provide accurate NABP e-Profile information will have their credit for 1 contact hour (0.1 CEU) submitted to CPE Monitor as early as within 10 business days after course completion and no later than 60 days after the event. Please know that if accurate e-Profile information is not provided within 60 days of the event, credit cannot be claimed after that time. The participant is ac- countable for verifying the accurate posting of CE credit to their CPE Monitor account within 60 days.

Š List the steps required to propose updates to Texas state pharmacy law and where to find information from the Board regarding confirmed and proposed updates. Š Discuss important updates to Texas state pharmacy law adopted between February 2021 and May 2023. ● Texas Administrative Code, Chapters 281–315: https://www. sos.state.tx.us/tac/index.shtml ● Texas Occupational Code, Chapters 551–569 (Texas Pharmacy Act): https://www.sos.state.tx.us/tac/index.shtml The Board publishes adopted revisions to the Texas state phar- macy law, as well as any proposed rule changes that are up for Board approval, in quarterly issues of the Texas Register , a weekly publication that presents news from various regulatory agencies across the state of Texas. The content of this course is current as of April 30, 2023. Because the Texas State Board of Pharmacy implements changes to state law on a quarterly basis each year, it is important to check each February, May, August, and November to learn about any up- dates.


Texas State Board of Pharmacy The Texas State Board of Pharmacy has 11 members and is re- sponsible for the management and regulation of the pharmacy profession within the state of Texas. The Board provides legisla- tive policy and guidance regarding practice, licensing, and inter- Who serves on the Texas State Board of Pharmacy? The Texas State Board of Pharmacy consists of 11 members. The governor appoints members, to be approved by the Senate, with the following guidelines: ● Seven of the members must be licensed pharmacists. ● One member must be a pharmacy technician. ● Three members represent community and public interest and are not pharmacists. Eligibility for Texas State Board of Pharmacy appointment Texas Occupational Code Sec. 552.002 breaks down the qualifi - cations and eligibility requirements for serving on the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. Sec. 552.002 explains the following require- ments:

professional collaboration. The Texas Occupational Code Chap- ter 552 describes the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, including membership, responsibilities, and powers.

Members of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy serve six-year terms staggered with three or four terms expiring every other year. Board members may not serve more than two consecutive full terms. In the case of a vacancy, the governor appoints a re- placement that will complete the term.

A pharmacist Board member must, at the time of appointment: ● Be a resident of the state of Texas. ● Have at least five years of pharmacy licensure. ● Be in good standing regarding pharmacy practice within the state of Texas.

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Book Code: RPTX3024


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