THE COMPLICATIONS OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE, SECOND EDITION Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and then proceed to to complete your final examination.
126. The National Kidney Foundation recommends using _______ to estimate GFR. a. CKD-EPI creatinine equation.
131. If an increase in serum creatinine of more than _______ oc- curs within four weeks of starting or increasing the dose of an ACE inhibitor or ARB, the medication should be stopped.
b. Cockroft–Gault Equation. c. 24-hour urine collection. d. Jelliffe equation.
a. 10%. b. 20%. c. 30%. d. 40%.
127. The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Work Group defines chronic kidney disease as abnormali - ties of kidney structure or function, present for greater than _______, with implications for health. a. Three days. b. Three months. c. Ttwo weeks. d. 30 days. 128. Which of the following accurately describes stage 4 CKD? a. Markers of kidney damage found, but GFR is normal or increased (>90 mL/min/1.73 m 2 ). b. Mildly reduced GFR (60–89 mL/min/1.73 m 2 ). c. Severely reduced GFR (15–29 mL/min/1.73 m 2 ). d. Kidney failure (GFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m 2 or dialysis). 129. The KDIGO Work Group recommends restricting dietary sodium to _______ per day in all adult CKD patients unless contraindicated. a. Less than 4 grams. b. Less than 2 grams. c. Greater than 2 grams. d. Less than 1 gram. 130. The KDOQI Work Group suggests a target systolic blood pressure of _______ in CKD patients.
132. _______ is a rare earth element that has effectiveness in re- ducing phosphate levels in chronic kidney disease patients. a. Lanthanum. b. Calcium carbonate. c. Doxercalciferol. d. Cinacalcet. 133. _______ is an iron-based chewable phosphate binder sold under the name Velphoro. a. Sevelamer. b. Sucroferric oxyhydroxide. c. Lanthanum. d. Calcium acetate. 134. _______ is the activated form of vitamin D. a. Calcitriol. b. Doxercalciferol. c. Paricalcitol. d. Calcium acetate. 135. Unlike vitamin D analogs, calcimimetics can be administered in patients with:
a. Hyperphosphatemia. b. Hypoparathyroidism. c. Hypertension. d. Hyperlipidemia.
a. Less than 120 mmHg. b. Less than 130 mmHg. c. Less than 135 mmHg. d. Less than 140 mmHg
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