Texas Pharmacy Ebook Continuing Education

Examples of AGP reports are displayed in Figures 5 through 7. In Figure 5, the results demonstrate excellent glucose management, with results being in range 97% of the time and no hypoglycemia. In Figure 6, the GMI is optimal at 6.1%; however, the patient is experiencing too many episodes of hypoglycemia, indicating a

need to change the management plan. Finally, in Figure 7, an el- evated GMI of 9.2% is observed and suboptimal TIR of 23% with excessive hyperglycemia, all demonstrating a need to change the management plan.

Figure 5. AGP Reflecting Excellent Glucose Management with a GMI of 6.1% Without Instances of Hypoglycemia

Figure 6. AGP Reflecting a TIM of 66% and a GMI of 6.1% with Excessive Hypoglycemia Requiring a Change in the Management Plan

Page 113

Book Code: RPTX3024


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