Georgia Barber Ebook Continuing Education

Condition/Disease/Disorder Description Polyp

Growth that extends from the surface or may also grow with the body.



Dry or moist lesions accompanied by itching, burning and various other unpleasant sensations; usually red, blistered and oozing.


Rarely on the face, lesions are round, dry patches covered with coarse, silvery scales; if irritated, bleeding points occur; may be spread to larger area but not contagious.

Herpes Simplex

Fever blisters/cold sores; single group of vesicles on a red swollen base.

Herpes Zoster = Shingles

Allergy Related Dermatitis

Dermatitis Venenata

Allergy to ingredients in cosmetics and such products; protection is the prevention: gloves and protective garb.

Dermatitis Medicamentosa

Dermatitis that occurs after an injection of a substance.


Hives: Inflammation caused by an allergy to specific drugs/foods. Primary Skin Lesions Small, discolored spot or patch on the skin’s surface, neither raised nor sunken; example, freckles.



Small elevated pimple containing no fluid, but may have pus. Note: Yellow or white fatty papules around the eyes indicate an elevated cholesterol level; refer to a physician (xanthelasma).

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Book Code: BBGA0524

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