Condition/Disease/Disorder Description Seborrhea/Seborrhea Oleosa = Oily Dandruff
Overactive sebaceous glands; often the basis of acne.
Wen or sebaceous cyst (subcutaneous tumor) ranges in size from a pea to an orange.
Asteatosis Furuncle
Dry, scaly skin characterized by absolute or partial deficiency of sebum.
Boil - a subcutaneous abscess that fills with pus.
Sac-like, elevated (usually round) area, contains liquid or semi-liquid substance; when a follicle ruptures deep within the dermis and irritating oil and dead cells seep into the surrounding tissues; often cause acne pits.
Follicle filled with oil, dead cells and bacteria; inflammation causes white blood cells to rush to fight bacteria creating a pus.
Disorders of the Sudoriferous Glands
Bromidrosis Anhidrosis Hyperhidrosis Miliaria Rubra
Osmidrosis: foul-smelling perspiration.
Lack of perspiration. Excessive perspiration.
Prickly heat-eruptions of small red vesicles accompanied by burning and itching; caused by excessive heat. Hypertrophies Callus; superficial, round, thickening of the epidermis caused by friction (inward growth is called a corn).
A small, brown spot believed to be inherited; may be flat or deeply seated; pale tan-brown or bluish black.
Wart, a viral infection of the epidermis; benign.
Skin Tag
Bead-like fibrous tissue that stands away from the flat surface; often a dark color.
Book Code: BBGA0524
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