North Carolina Esthetician Ebook Continuing Education


● Space the medium length lashes through the four sections equally. ● You now have a choice of continuing with medium lashes or adding long lashes for added flair. The use of the short lashes can be intertwined to give fullness and a natural look to the eyes. ● Alternate the use of medium, long and/or short lashes to add the fullness that you want. ● Continue to follow this procedure until you are satisfied with the look of the lash extensions. Of course, now you can check with the client as to her opinion of the service. Add lashes as desired until the two of you come to an agreement on the final appearance. ● Occasionally, if the client’s lashes are very sparse, you will need to build a bridge to balance fullness. While doing this may be necessary, it can cause these lashes to shed quicker. To build a bridge, place one lash across another and a third on top. As you become comfortable with these applications, you will find easier ways to fill in the gaps. ● Another trick that I have learned is to work on both eyes at the same time. This assures equal fullness on both eyes. So, you can apply two extensions to one eye and then the same to the other. Many times, one eye will have fewer natural lashes. You will correct this using this trick. In order to clarify previous information, we have some common questions: ● What are the most common types of lash extensions? There are three types of lash extensions: synthetic, silk and mink. Size availability ranges from 6mm to 17mm. Once selected, the lashes are applied one at a time using a specially formulated, semi-permanent glue that will not irritate the eye or damage the natural lash. However, since allergic reactions are possible, there are different types of glue based on clients’ sensitivity. ● How long does it take to apply semi-permanent lash extensions? Applying a full set of lashes takes about two hours and can be maintained year-round with touch-ups recommended every three to four weeks. A half set of lashes are an economical alternative to achieve a similarly dramatic effect, applied as filler to thicken natural lashes, or applied outward from the eye for a specialized look. Everyone has different lashes and depending on the condition of your own natural lashes, lash experts can only go a certain length or thickness. (This is to ensure that your own lashes remain healthy.) For example, if your natural lashes are on the shorter, thinner side, you won’t be able to get a crazy, dramatic Kim Kardashian look, because it won’t last. It’s better to start out with a half set (50 to 60 percent of your top lashes) if you aren’t sure or it’s your first time. It’s Since your eyes are shut the whole time lash extensions are being applied, no glue will ever get into your eyes. To avoid any irritation, however, the first safety precaution you can take is to be sure that the glue is safe for your eyes and doesn’t contain anything that can harm them, like formaldehyde. Shipping glues across the world often leads to a buildup of formaldehyde by the time they reach the salon. Additionally, it’s important to understand the difference easier to add more than to remove lashes! ● What happens if glue gets in your eyes? between an allergic reaction and an infection. A licensed and experienced lash technician will not let an infection occur, but if you’re allergic to the glue, you’re still going to be allergic— this doesn’t mean the glue is inherently harmful. ● Can you go blind? No. Your technician should be trained properly to apply the adhesive and lashes in a way that is completely harmless. Your eyes are closed the entire time of the procedure. No

If your salon is already set up for skin care services, your modifications will be minimal. If not, it is relatively simple to create an area for this service. My own salon was very small, and we didn’t have the room to have a skin care area. I used a manicure table to set up my equipment and supplies and wheeled it over to an unused shampoo bowl for the lash service. I padded the neck of the shampoo bowl and had the client recline comfortably. The most expensive investment will be a magnifying light. Sometimes these can be purchased used, as there is nothing that can wear out on this appliance. This makes your work very easy. You could also invest in magnifying readers from the pharmacy (around $5). What is needed is a good light source and clear vision. Implements and materials (other than above): ● Antiseptic. ● Cleansers and eye-makeup remover. ● Cotton. ● Tissues. ● Towels. ● Trash can. ● Two pointed-tipped tweezers (one curved and one straight). ● Foil. ● Eyelash adhesive. ● Adhesive remover. ● Small manicure scissors. ● Multiple eyelash extensions (short, medium and long). ● Eye shields. ● Eye wash. As with any other service on clients, make sure that the area is impeccably clean. Have all implements and supplies ready for quick retrieval. Place the tweezers and manicure scissors in sanitation jar with 70% alcohol on cotton (may add glycerin). Begin by cleansing ALL of eye makeup with removers. Pay particular attention to the presence of mascara. If any is present, it will interfere with the adhesive quality of the eyelash glue. Remove any oily residue from the lashes and surrounding areas of the eyes with cotton swabs and cotton pads moistened with water. Refresh with a mild toner. You may also wish to wash the eyes with eye drops to clear away any other products. Gently tug on the natural lashes to coax the ones that are ready to shed to be removed. These steps are critical to the success of the glue adhesion. Application (procedure) ● Alcohol (for sanitation of implements). ● Other, that is suggested by your system. Preparation, cleansing and safety Apply the eye shields to both eyes; advise the client to relax. Observe your field on each eye and divide visually into four sections. Starting in the middle, apply medium length lashes in equal distances, to the other sections: ● Use the straight-pointed tweezers in your dominant hand and the curved tweezers in the other hand to separate and control the natural lashes. Hold the tweezers perpendicular to the eyelash extension—from underneath, at about the middle. Stroke the lash lightly through the eyelash adhesive that has been placed in a foil cup. Wipe excess from the lash so as not to flood your area. ● Now, stroke down the length of the natural lash to wet it with the glue. Then apply the lash as close as possible to the eyelid on the natural lash. Use the curved tweezers to support and direct the placement of the eyelash extension. ● Cotton swabs. ● Cotton pads. ● Headband or cover. ● Sponges.

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