North Carolina Esthetician Ebook Continuing Education

form: an in-person paper form and an online feedback form. Both are good. The second is a little more work to maintain, but having the electronic record is often a very good idea. Here are some general strategies to assist stylists in the creation of a feedback form. Helpful tips for the salon feedback form 1. This should be about the services and the salon itself in general. 2. The client should be able to fill out the information anonymously if they so choose. 3. There should be no pressure to fill out the form. 4. The client should have the option to fill it out each time they utilize the salon’s services. 5. There should be space to indicate exactly which services they utilized that day, as well as which services they use in general. 6. There should be a way for them to ‘rate’ the services. 7. There should be a space for the client to give general suggestions for improvement. 8. There should also be a space for the client to mention anything that has not been appropriate or professional about their services. SAMPLE FORM:

The ways in which stylists ask for feedback is also important. The first step is verbal communication. It’s crucial to ask the client if they’re pleased with the services they received that day. They may or may not want to say much, especially if they are pleased. However, if they’re displeased, then there is a question of how to proceed from that point. If a customer is displeased, the first step is for the stylist to ask them what hasn’t worked for them. It may be something small and easily remedied. If, however, a client is thoroughly displeased, then the stylist will need to discuss this with them and with the owner/supervisor the report to. There will, undoubtedly be policies and procedures to follow when a customer/client is unhappy with their service. Stylists should never take it upon themselves to offer a radical solution. They should let the client know they take the situation seriously and will seek out a remedy as soon as possible. General feedback doesn’t fall into the crucial situation noted above. That is for a specific situation when a client is unhappy with their service. But general feedback is very important. It enables people to voice their opinions, ideas, and suggestions. They can speak about anything from the price of the services to the styles they receive. There are two ways to create a feedback


Dear Valued Customer: Thank you for choosing XXX SALON. It is our great pleasure to provide you the best quality of service at all times. Your assistance in completing this form is greatly appreciated. Your honest feedback will help us to serve you better and enable us to work on improving our service standards. Thank you . Name ______________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________





1. How would you rate the salon for its overall professionalism, level of service and attention to customer needs? 2. How would you rate your stylist (or other) for their level of professionalism and ability? 3. How would you rate the level of attention to detail and timeliness? 4. How would you rate your interest in recommending us to others? 5. How would you rate your interest in returning for services? 6. Please, feel free to include any additional comments for our improvement.

Questions to ask: a. Who are my clients? Stylists should learn who their customers are. Certain people will want to return, while others will choose to move on. Stylists should try not to take this personally. It may have nothing to do with the stylist and everything to do with other things going on in client’s life. b. What do they want/need? Stylist should determine what their customers want versus what they need; they’re not always the same thing, as noted earlier in this course. Sometimes people need to use a better product but they don’t have the money for it, or they simply choose not to take a stylist’s advice. Again, stylists shouldn’t take this personally. Stylists should give professional advice and

tips, but remember they can’t force people to want things even if it would benefit them. c. Why do they want this? Sometimes people want something for any number of reasons. They’ve been told it would look good on them. They’ve seen it in a magazine, or on a celebrity. They’ve seen it on television. People are highly influenced by media, and this impacts the products they want to purchase. Stylists should talk to them. Listen. Hear them out. Maybe what they want is perfectly reasonable. Stylists should take the time to get to know these clients; the more they do, the better able to the stylist is to advise them. Cosmetology

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