Florida Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

(6) In selecting a guardian advocate, the court shall give preference to a health care surrogate, if one has already been designated by the patient. If the patient has not previously selected a health care surrogate, except for good cause documented in the court record, the selection shall be made from the following list in the order of listing: (a) The patient’s spouse. (b) An adult child of the patient. (c) A parent of the patient. (d) The adult next of kin of the patient. (e) An adult friend of the patient. (f) An adult trained and willing to serve as guardian advocate for the patient. (7) If a guardian with the authority to consent to medical treatment has not already been appointed or if the patient has not already designated a health care surrogate, the court may authorize the guardian advocate to consent to medical treatment, as well as mental health treatment. Unless otherwise limited by the court, a guardian advocate with authority to consent to medical treatment shall have the same authority to make health care decisions and be subject to the same restrictions as a proxy appointed under part IV of chapter 765. Unless the guardian advocate has sought and received express court approval in proceeding separate from the proceeding to determine the competence of the patient to consent to medical treatment, the guardian advocate may not consent to: (a) Abortion. (b) Sterilization. (c) Electroconvulsive treatment. (d) Psychosurgery. (e) Experimental treatments that have not been approved by a federally approved institutional review board in accordance with 45 C.F.R. part 46 or 21 C.F.R. part 56. The court must base its decision on evidence that the treatment or procedure is essential to the care of the patient and that the treatment does not present an unreasonable risk of serious, hazardous, or irreversible side effects. The court shall follow the procedures set forth in subsection (1) of this section. (8) The guardian advocate shall be discharged when the patient is discharged from an order for involuntary outpatient placement or involuntary inpatient placement or when the patient is transferred from involuntary to voluntary status. The court or a hearing officer shall consider the competence of the patient pursuant to subsection (1) and may consider an involuntarily placed patient’s competence to consent to treatment at any hearing. Upon sufficient evidence, the court may restore, or the hearing officer may recommend that the court restore, the patient’s competence. A copy of the order restoring competence or the certificate of discharge containing the restoration of competence shall be provided to the patient and the guardian advocate. 394.4599 Notice. — (1) VOLUNTARY ADMISSION. — Notice of an individual’s voluntary admission shall be given only at the request of the individual, except that, in an emergency, notice shall be given as determined by the facility. (a) Whenever notice is required to be given under this part, such notice shall be given to the individual and the individual’s guardian, guardian (2) INVOLUNTARY ADMISSION. —

advocate, health care surrogate or proxy, attorney, and representative. 1. When notice is required to be given to an individual, it shall be given both orally and in writing, in the language and terminology that the individual can understand, and, if needed, the facility shall provide an interpreter for the individual. 2. Notice to an individual’s guardian, guardian advocate, health care surrogate or proxy, attorney, and representative shall be given by mail with the date, time, and method of notice delivery documented in the clinical record. Hand delivery by a facility employee may be used as an alternative, with the date and time of delivery documented in the clinical record. If notice is given by a state attorney or an attorney for the department, a certificate of service is sufficient to document service. (b) A receiving facility shall give prompt notice of the whereabouts of an individual who is being involuntarily held for examination to the individual’s guardian, guardian advocate, health care surrogate or proxy, attorney or representative, by telephone or in person within 24 hours after the individual’s arrival at the facility. Contact attempts shall be documented in the individual’s clinical record and shall begin as soon as reasonably possible after the individual’s arrival. (c) 1. A receiving facility shall give notice of the whereabouts of a minor who is being involuntarily held for examination pursuant to s. 394.463 to the minor’s parent, guardian, caregiver, or guardian advocate, in person or by telephone or other form of electronic communication, immediately after the minor’s arrival at the facility. The facility may delay notification for no more than 24 hours after the minor’s arrival if the facility has submitted a report to the central abuse hotline, pursuant to s. 39.201, based upon knowledge or suspicion of abuse, abandonment, or neglect and if the facility deems a delay in notification to be in the minor’s best interest. 2. The receiving facility shall attempt to notify the minor’s parent, guardian, caregiver, or guardian advocate until the receiving facility receives confirmation from the parent, guardian, caregiver, or guardian advocate, verbally, by telephone or other form of electronic communication, or by recorded message, that notification has been received. Attempts to notify the parent, guardian, caregiver, or guardian advocate must be repeated at least once every hour during the first 12 hours after the minor’s arrival and once every 24 hours thereafter and must continue until such confirmation is received, unless the minor is released at the end of the 72-hour examination period, or until a petition for involuntary services is filed with the court pursuant to s. 394.463(2). The receiving facility may seek assistance from a law enforcement agency to notify the minor’s parent, guardian, caregiver, or guardian advocate if the facility has not received within the first 24 hours after the minor’s arrival a confirmation by the parent, guardian,


Book Code: SWFL1825

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