Florida Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

as a no-wrong-door model that responds to individual needs and integrates services among various providers.

or receives supplemental security income due to a mental disorder as determined by the Social Security Administration and receives optional state supplementation. (2) Medicaid managed care plans are responsible for Medicaid enrolled mental health residents, and managing entities under contract with the department are responsible for mental health residents who are not enrolled in a Medicaid health plan. A Medicaid managed care plan or a managing entity shall ensure that: (a) A mental health resident has been assessed by a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, or psychiatric nurse, or an individual who is supervised by one of these professionals, and determined to be appropriate to reside in an assisted living facility. The documentation must be provided to the administrator of the facility within 30 days after the mental health resident has been admitted to the facility. An evaluation completed upon discharge from a state mental hospital meets the requirements of this subsection related to appropriateness for placement as a mental health resident if it was completed within 90 days before admission to the facility. (b) A cooperative agreement, as required in s. 429.075, is developed by the mental health care services provider that serves a mental health resident and the administrator of the assisted living facility with a limited mental health license in which the mental health resident is living. (c) The community living support plan, as defined in s. 429.02, has been prepared by a mental health resident and his or her mental health case manager in consultation with the administrator of the facility or the administrator’s designee. The plan must be completed and provided to the administrator of the assisted living facility with a limited mental health license in which the mental health resident lives within 30 days after the resident’s admission. The support plan and the agreement may be in one document. (d) The assisted living facility with a limited mental health license is provided with documentation that the individual meets the definition of a mental health resident. (e) The mental health services provider assigns a case manager to each mental health resident for whom the entity is responsible. The case manager shall coordinate the development and implementation of the community living support plan defined in s. 429.02. The plan must be updated at least annually, or when there is a significant change in the resident’s behavioral health status. Each case manager shall keep a record of the date and time of any face-to-face interaction with the resident and make the record available to the responsible entity for inspection. The record must be retained for at least 2 years after the date of the most recent interaction. (f) Consistent monitoring and implementation of community living support plans and cooperative agreements are conducted by the resident’s case manager. (g) Concerns are reported to the appropriate regulatory oversight organization if a regulated provider fails to deliver appropriate services or otherwise acts in a manner that has the potential to result in harm to the resident.

(c) Transportation in accordance with a plan developed under s. 394.462. (d) Crisis services, including mobile response teams, crisis stabilization units, addiction receiving facilities, and detoxification facilities. (e) Case management. Each case manager or person directly supervising a case manager who provides Medicaid-funded targeted case management services shall hold a valid certification from a department-approved credentialing entity as defined in s. 397.311(10) by July 1, 2017, and, thereafter, within 6 months after hire. (f) Care coordination that involves coordination with other local systems and entities, public and private, which are involved with the individual, such as primary care, child welfare, behavioral health care, and criminal and juvenile justice organizations. (j) Aftercare and other postdischarge services. (k) Medication-assisted treatment and medication management. (l) Recovery support, including, but not limited to, support for competitive employment, educational attainment, independent living skills development, family support and education, wellness management and self-care, and assistance in obtaining housing that meets the individual’s needs. Such housing may include mental health residential treatment facilities, limited mental health assisted living facilities, adult family care homes, and supportive housing. Housing provided using state funds must provide a safe and decent environment free from abuse and neglect. (m) Care plans shall assign specific responsibility for initial and ongoing evaluation of the supervision (g) Outpatient services. (h) Residential services. (i) Hospital inpatient care. and support needs of the individual and the identification of housing that meets such needs. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “supervision” means oversight of and assistance with compliance with the clinical aspects of an individual’s care plan. (n) Coordinated specialty care programs. (3) System improvement grants. — Subject to a specific appropriation by the Legislature, the department may award system improvement grants to managing entities based on a detailed plan to enhance services in accordance with the no-wrong-door model as defined in subsection (1) and to address specific needs identified in the assessment prepared by the department pursuant to this section. Such a grant must be awarded through a performance- based contract that links payments to the documented and measurable achievement of system improvements. 394.4574 Responsibilities for Coordination of Services for a Mental Health Resident who Resides in an Assisted Living Facility that Holds a Limited Mental Health License. — (1) As used in this section, the term “mental health resident” means an individual who receives social security disability income due to a mental disorder as determined by the Social Security Administration


Book Code: SWFL1825

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