Florida Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

Course 2: Florida Law for the Social Worker, Mental Health Counselor, and Marriage and Family Therapist OUTCOMES - After completing this course, I can... Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat

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Explain the difference between the definition and duties of the clinical social worker and certified master social worker. Define four elements in the Florida Statutes that direct the practice of clinical social work. Explain six duties listed in the Florida Statutes definition of mental health counseling. Compare and contrast the services of the marriage and family therapist, mental health counselor, and social worker Identify and discuss three key elements in the Florida statutes concerning the rights of patients being held in mental health facilities. According to the Florida Statutes, identify and give three examples of social work, counselor, and therapist collaboration in the service delivery for Exceptional Student Education. Define the goals of the Florida statute that concern quality of treatment for patients in mental health facilities and three methods identified to meet those goals. List and define five infractions from the Florida Statutes on discipline in the three professions covered in this course and the penalties for each. Identify and discuss parenting partnerships and the reasonable and prudent parent standard as found in the Florida Statutes. Discuss the Nancy C. Detert Common Sense and Compassion Independent Living Act. Under the Procedures and Jurisdiction section of the Independent Living Act, identify three actions the court may take and explain the circumstances to warrant each action. Describe five situations listed in the Florida Statutes that indicate the need for disclosure of information related to “duty to warn,” and explain five strategies to address these situations in practice. List and explain five potential liability issues inherent in the use of technology for long-distance therapy and supervision. Identify the AAMFT, NASW, and AMHCA guidelines for information disclosure for “duty to warn” and compare and contrast them with the Florida Statutes. Compare and contrast the Florida Statutes and the HIPAA Privacy Rule on the use of technology and give three examples from each. List the guidelines from the AAMFT, NASW, and AMHCA codes of ethics on the use of technology in service delivery and as compared to the directives in the Florida Statutes.






The course content was presented in a well-organized and clearly written manner. The course content was presented in a fair, unbiased, and balanced manner. The course content presented current developments in the field. The course was relevant to my professional practice or interests. The course material was appropriate to my education, experience, and licensure level. The course expanded my knowledge and enhanced my skills related to the subject matter. I intend to apply the knowledge and skills I’ve learned to my practice. I intend to apply this knowledge related to skills, strategy, performance of my role or contribution as a member of the healthcare team. What I have learned from this course will have an impact on patient outcomes.

Page 146

Book Code: SWFL1825


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