National Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

50. Specific learning disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by: a. Cognitive impairments that limit performance at school or work. b. An IQ that is subaverage, usually at or below a score of 70. c. Dysfunction in the frontal lobes, amygdala, and hippocampus. d. Symptoms that are easily cured with medication. 51. For a patient with a specific learning disorder, the neuropsychological evaluation results will: a. Determine the patient’s outcome trajectory into adulthood. b. Document the reasons for the refusal of IEP services. c. Identify and justify services and resources that will be useful in improving the patient’s functioning. d. Remedy learning problems in the domains of writing, reading, and other nonverbal tasks. 52. Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is based, in part, on evidence of impairments in: a. Social communication and interaction.

53. Common neuropsychological deficits following a moderate to severe head injury are in: a. Academic achievement. b. Attention and processing speed. c. Remembering events from several years ago. d. Remembering personal information, such as one’s name. 54. Multiple sclerosis is a: a. Leading cause of language impairment. b. Disorder that usually occurs after age 40. c. Demyelinating disease. d. Common disorder of childhood. 55. Multiple sclerosis often is comorbid with symptoms of: a. Schizophrenia. b. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. c. Delusions and hallucinations. d. Depression and anxiety. 56. Mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease is associated with: a. Cerebrovascular disease.

b. Decline in learning and memory. c. Difficulty walking and showering. d. Sensory impairments.

b. Attention and activity. c. Academic achievement. d. Visuospatial abilities.

Course Code: SWUS02CN

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Book Code: SWUS1524

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