National Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

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CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY: APPLICATIONS IN PRACTICE, 3RD EDITION Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at

37. Neuropsychology is the study and application of: a. Psychoanalysis. b. Brain-behavior relationships. c. Neurophysiology. d. Spinal reflexes. 38. Equipotentiality was the 19th-century theory that posited that: a. All brain tissue participates equally in behavioral tasks. b. Brain damage does not affect learning and memory. c. Particular brain functions could be localized to specific regions of the brain. d. Deficits in speech production are associated with damage to the frontal lobes. 39. Interest in neuropsychology waned in the early 20th century due to the rise of: a. Social psychology. b. Cognitive psychology. c. Neuroscience. d. Psychoanalysis and behaviorism. 40. Training guidelines for neuropsychology were formally documented in: a. The 1930s, when the term “neuropsychology” was introduced. b. 1945, just after World War II ended. c. 1968, at the founding of the International Neuropsychological Society. d. 1997, at the Houston Conference. 41. Normative data are: a. Test scores derived from a sample of a population of interest, against which patient test scores are compared. b. Readily available for persons from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. c. Not important in the historical growth of the field of clinical neuropsychology. d. Not influenced by demographic factors. 42. The midbrain is part of the: a. Brainstem.

43. The amygdala is important for: a. Respiration. b. Somatosensation.

c. The experience of negative emotions. d. Making movements smooth and coordinated.

44. The left hemisphere is specialized for: a. Processing spatial information. b. Controlling movements on the left side of the body. c. Holistic information processing. d. Processing verbal information. 45. A good referral question for a clinical neuropsychologist: a. Raises a medication management issue. b. Addresses a diagnostic and/or treatment issue. c. Lists the exact tests that the neuropsychologist should administer. d. Specifies the procedures that the neuropsychologist should use. 46. Most clinical neuropsychologists select tests to administer to a patient based on the: a. Referral question. b. Appropriate fixed battery. c. Referrer’s suggestions. d. Patient’s preferences. 47. The first two steps of the neuropsychological evaluation are to: a. Select and administer cognitive tests. b. Interpret test scores and write the report. c. Review available records and conduct an intake interview. d. Provide verbal and written feedback to the patient. 48. The two most useful parts of a neuropsychological report are the: a. Referral question and history sections. b. Test list and behavioral observations. c. Behavioral observations and test results. d. Conclusions and recommendations. 49. The core neuropsychological impairment in ADHD is in the domain of: a. Attention. b. Executive functions. c. Language. d. Memory.

b. Limbic system. c. Cerebral cortex. d. Basal ganglia.

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