National Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

● Supramarginal gyrus : A language center in the brain, involved in repetition of heard speech. ● Sylvian fissure : Divides the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex. ● Temporal lobes : The region of the cerebral cortex involved in processing sound information, language, learning, and memory. ● Thalamus : The region of the brain specialized for motor, sensory, memory, and emotional processes. ● Traumatic brain injury (TBI) : An open or closed head injury in which there is altered or loss of consciousness, neurologic impairment, and possible residual cognitive deficits. ● Vascular dementia : A common cause of dementia due to strokes in the brain. ● Wernicke’s area : The region of the posterior temporal lobes that is involved in the comprehension of language. ● Working memory : The executive function skill of holding information “online” and manipulating the information. neuropsychological rehabilitation program for cognitive impairment in psychiatric and neurological conditions: A review that supports its efficacy. 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