Course 6: Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias: Symptoms, Stages, and Communication Strategies Expanded OUTCOMES: After completing this course, I can... Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat
Disagree Strongly
Define dementia, the symptoms, and various types of dementia. Discuss Alzheimer’s disease to include the causes, history, and types.
Evaluate the various stages of Alzheimer’s.
Describe the impact of Alzheimer’s on the brain.
Recognize variables and factors that have been identified as linkages to Alzheimer’s.
Examine the steps taken for an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.
Define steps for best practices caring for caring for a patient with Alzheimer’s. Describe appropriate activities to engage a patient with Alzheimer’s. Recognize the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on activities of daily living and independent activities of daily living within the disease stages. Recognize strategies to accommodate activities of daily living and independent activities of daily living. Recognize the behavioral changes according to the clinical stage of Alzheimer’s. Evaluate the importance of the environment, and mental and physical activity for improving the well-being of a patient with Alzheimer’s.
Not Applicable
The course content was presented in a well-organized and clearly written manner. The course content was presented in a fair, unbiased, and balanced manner.
The course content presented current developments in the field. The course was relevant to my professional practice or interests.
The course material was appropriate to my education, experience, and licensure level. The course expanded my knowledge and enhanced my skills related to the subject matter. I intend to apply the knowledge and skills I’ve learned to my practice. I intend to apply this knowledge related to skills, strategy, performance of my role or contribution as a member of the healthcare team. What I have learned from this course will have an impact on patient outcomes.
Not Applicable
Colibri Healthcare, LLC staff was responsive to my request for disability accommodations.
Course technology was user friendly.
The process of ordering was easy and efficient.
Colibri Healthcare, LLC staff was knowledgeable and helpful in addressing my questions or problems.
Agree Disagree
I certify that I have read the course materials and personally completed the final examination based on the material presented.
Book Code: SWUS1525
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