National Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

87. Which of the following statements is true about sex differences in suicidal behavior? a. Women die by suicide more frequently than men. b. Men attempt suicide more than women. c. Men and women die by suicide at equal rates. d. Men die by suicide more frequently than women. 88. The percentage of suicide victims who have a diagnosable disorder is: a. 60% to 65%. b. 70% to 75%. c. 80% to 85%. d. 90% to 95%. 89. The most common means of suicide in the United States, used in more than half of the cases, is: a. A knife. b. A bridge. c. A firearm. d. Asphyxiation. 90. Suicide attempts by older adults are much more likely to result in death than among younger persons because: a. They live away from family support. b. Older adults plan more carefully and use more deadly methods. c. They live in residential facilities. d. They own more guns than younger adults. 91. Perceived burdensomeness, failed belongingness, and acquired capability are the key factors in which theoretical model of suicide? a. Biopsychosocial. b. Interpersonal. c. Psychache. d. Organic suicide. 92. The Three-Steep Theory (3ST) of Suicide proposes that which of the following individual experiences are necessary for suicidal behavior to occur: a. Psychache, burdensomeness, frustration. b. Belongingness, burdensomeness, aimlessness. c. Anomie, fatalism, altruism. d. Hopelessness, interpersonal disconnection, acquired capability. 93. The Joiner model of suicide assessment: a. Guides clinicians toward interventions through understanding risk factors and the use of rating scales. b. Is useful only at the beginning of treatment, before a relationship with the client is established. c. Focuses on ways a clinician can gather sensitive client data through interviewing. d. Minimizes the significance of previous and multiple attempts in assessing current risk. 94. According to the Joiner assessment model, a person who is a non-multiple attempter experiencing suicidal ideation with limited intensity and duration, but who has no intent, would be assigned to which of the following risk categories according to the Joiner model? a. Low. b. Moderate. c. Severe. d. Extreme.

95. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining whether hospitalization for high suicide risk is necessary? a. Elevated intent to act on a suicide plan. b. Intense suicidal ideation. c. Complete disconnection from family. d. Giving away personal possessions. 96. In assessing for “imminent risk” for suicide, Simon suggests that clinicians: a. Focus on suicidal ideation. b. Recognize suicide assessment as a process, not an event. c. Focus on suicide attempts in the past 8 weeks when assessing risk. d. Follow their intuitive clinical judgment. 97. Which of the following interventions is primary for a patient with a suicide plan but who does not currently meet criteria for hospitalization? a. Supportive counseling. b. Dialectical behavior therapy. c. Lethal means reduction/restriction. d. Pharmacotherapy. 98. The CAMS approach to suicide intervention suggests that clinicians working with suicidal clients need to establish a relationship with the client that is: a. Causal. b. Cathartic. c. Collaborative. d. Continual. 99. A tool that provides insight into the client’s internal debate about suicide and has intervention value for the cognitively constricted suicidal client is the: a. Suicide Status Examination. b. Desperation Index. c. Jacobs Suicide Protocol. d. Reasons for living/reasons for dying (RL/RD). 100. Step 2 of Stanley & Brown’s (2012) safety planning, employing internal coping strategies, is when the patient: a. Calls his or her friend before calling 911. b. Recognizes that he or she has become suicidal. c. Engages in soothing physical activities that require attention and have worked in the past. d. Brings him or herself directly to the emergency department to address suicidal thoughts and feelings. 101. One strategy that may be used with a suicidal individual is a crisis coping card. Once the need to utilize the card is recognized by the individual, during intense suicidal ideation he or she should at the last: a. Try out internal coping strategies that might reduce the crisis. b. Call emergency crisis numbers to gain assistance in resolving the crisis. c. Find friends, family, or places that could serve as sources of distraction. d. call a friend for support.

Course Code: SWUS03SR

Book Code: SWUS1524

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