National Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

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SUICIDE RISK IN ADULTS: ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENTION, 2ND EDITION Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at

82. Since the year 2000, the suicide rate among both youth and adults has risen approximately ______ percent.

85. Which of the following is a conclusion from Pokorny’s study that attempted to predict which clients would complete suicide within 5 years? a. It is possible to predict which persons will most likely complete suicide by evaluating certain known risk factors. b. By observing several personality characteristics, one can accurately identify which clients will ultimately complete suicide. c. There is no item of information or combination of items to permit the identification of those persons who will commit suicide. d. Identifying which persons will ultimately complete suicide may be difficult; however, it is possible by observing the person’s demeanor and speech tendencies. 86. One warning sign for suicide found in the mnemonic

a. Five. b. Ten.

c. Thirty. d. Ninety. 83. What term(s) should a clinician use to characterize the fatal outcome of a suicidal act? a. Committed suicide. b. Completed suicide or died by suicide. c. Chose to kill him- or herself. d. Successful suicide or suicided. 84. For a self-inflicted behavior to be considered suicide related, the person must have: a. Received no injuries from the attempt. b. Been legally competent at the time of the act. c. Been injured to some measurable degree during the attempt. d. Intended at some level (nonzero) to kill him- or herself by the act.

acronym “IS PATH WARM” is: a. Sadness or depression. b. Reckless behavior. c. A history of child sexual abuse. d. Insomnia or interrupted sleep.

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