Texas Social Work Ebook Continuing Education

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND LAW Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at EliteLearning.com/Book

21. “Guiding beliefs and principles that influence your work behaviour” that are “usually an extension of your personal values” (Birmingham Community Healthcare) are: a. Ethics. b. The law. c. Professional values. d. Assumptions and norms. 22. All of the following are types of laws that may affect practice EXCEPT: a. Probationary. b. Executive Orders. c. Statutory. d. Regulatory. 23. In the United States, which ethical system forms the basis of all codes of ethics in the health professions today? a. Consequentialism. a. Ethical principles are legal principles. b. Legal principles are a codification of ethical principles. c. Legal principles always take precedence over ethical principles. d. Adherence to ethical principles may sometimes challenge legal principles. 25. Ethical dilemmas can occur when: a. Two ethical standards or rules conflict. b. An ethical standard conflicts with the profit motive. c. Ethical standards conflict with an individual’s preferences. d. A social worker is physically attracted to a client. 26. Confidentiality of records falls under the classification of: a. Statutory law. b. Deontology. c. Virtue ethics. d. Principlism. 24. With regard to law and ethics:

27. Most healthcare issues that become legal issues are dealt with as: a. Criminal issues. b. Statutory issues. c. Constitutional issues. d. Civil issues 28. Who owns confidentiality and privilege? a. The social worker. b. The social worker’s supervisor. c. The client. d. The agency. 29. State oversight boards a. Serve an advisory function. b. Regulate practice through statutes. c. Promote research. d. Advocate for the state in the case of job actions by practitioners. 30. In a 2000 review of ethics complaints filed with the NASW, ______ of the cases resulted in hearings, and of those, ______ concluded that violations had occurred. a. 48%, 62%. b. 15%, 37%. c. 8%, 76%. d. 0.9%, 22%. 31. The fallacious principle of specific ignorance states that: a. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. b. It is sometimes best to keep clients in the dark about certain options. c. What you do is not illegal as long as you are unaware of the law prohibiting the action. d. An action is ethical if you know that other practitioners have behaved in the same way.

b. Regulatory law. c. Court-made law. d. Common law.


Book Code: SWTX1524

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