11. After completion, drain the reservoir and refill with distilled water and run another cycle. 12. Drain one more time and refill.
13. Wipe the door gasket weekly with a wet damp towel and clean the cabinet gasket as well. 14. Your autoclave is now ready for use. Repeat this cleaning about every 10 days or so.
Cleaning the salon computers and reception areas Almost all modern salons now work with computers and computer appointment books. These computer appointment books are generally at the reception desk and are also found in break areas for salon workers to view their schedules. Few people think about the germ havens these areas have become. Yes, experts say the computer keyboard, phone, and desk areas of salons are major germ areas that must be sanitized. To combat the problem, salons should assign cleaning duties to staff. First, you should remove the screws on the underside of the keyboard and separate the two parts. Brush the debris Disease and infestation Salons and schools should never knowingly permit a person afflicted with an infection or parasitic infestation capable of being transmitted to a patron to serve patrons or train in the establishment or school. In addition, salons and schools should not knowingly require or permit a licensee or student to work upon a person with an infection or parasitic infestation capable of being transmitted to the licensee or student. Infections or parasitic infestation capable of being transmitted between licensee or student and patron include, but are not limited to, the following : ● Cold, influenza or other respiratory illness accompanied by a fever , until 24 hours after resolution of the fever. ● Streptococcal pharyngitis (“strep throat”), until 24 hours after treatment has been initiated, and 24 hours after resolution of symptoms. Conclusion The cosmetology industry is booming, and safety of clients is one of the main factors that has a chance to harm your industry. Therefore, making safe sanitation techniques a part of your daily routine and encouraging co-workers to do the same is essential. Sanitation issues have a direct impact on the health and welfare References ABC News. (2016, June 8). 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away and then wipe with a sanitizing cloth. Once you put it back together, spray the entire keyboard with a disinfectant spray. Do this lightly so as not to ruin the electronics. You can also use sanitation wipes commonly found in drug stores. Staff should clean phones daily with a disinfectant spray and more often when someone is known to be sick or feels sick . Also, remember to disinfect your workstation daily. Often stylists forget to perform this important step, yet they routinely place combs, scissors, and other items on top of the workstation. ● Purulent conjunctivitis (“pink eye”), until examined by a physician and approved for return to work. ● Pertussis (“whooping cough”), until five days of antibiotic therapy has been completed. ● Varicella (“chicken pox”), until the sixth day after onset of rash, or sooner if all lesion shave dried and crusted. ● Mumps , until nine days after onset of parotid gland swelling. ● Tuberculosis , until a physician or local health department authority states that the individual is noninfectious. ● Impetigo (bacterial skin infection), until 24 hours after treatment has begun. ● Pediculosis (head lice), until the morning after first treatment. ● Scabies , until after treatment has been completed. No person working or training in an establishment or school should massage any person upon a surface of the skin or scalp where such skin is inflamed, broken (e.g., abraded, cut), or where a skin infection or eruption is present. of clients and the livelihood of the salon professional. Following proper sanitation guidelines will greatly reduce the potential risks to you, your clients, and co-workers. The importance of maintaining proper sanitation procedures cannot be overstated; it can literally be a matter of life or death. Multistate point-prevalence survey of health care – associated infections. New England Medical Journal, 370, 1198-1208. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1306801 retrieved on July 11, 2022 MedlinePlus (2016, April 18). Piercing and tattoos. https://www. nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/piercingandtattoos.html retrieved on July 11, 2022 MedlinePlus (2016, April 18). Skin aging. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/ medlineplus/skinaging.html retrieved on July 11, 2022 Mersmann, K (2016, March 5). 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