Florida Nail Technician Ebook Continuing Education

Chapter 1: Manicuring and Your Client’s Health (Satisfies Elective Requirement)

Learning objectives After completing this course, the learner should be able to: Š Describe the symptoms of people who are allergic to EMA. Š Name the first symptom usually evident when one is allergic to polish. Š Name the three chemicals that are being formulated out of polishes. Š Explain why manicuring has become popular again in the nail industry. Nail technicians must protect their clients during nail services through a health evaluation. The first thing clients must do upon entering a new salon or spa is complete a new client sheet, sometimes referred to as a health sheet or health evaluation sheet . Many salons and spas bypass their use because they believe it takes up service time, and others feel it is unnecessary, thinking, “What harm can a manicure or pedicure do?” No state specifically requires them, so why should they take the time? Why? Because some clients have chronic conditions that can affect their capability or the protocol for their services, nail technicians should know their conditions and be trained in

Š List five conditions that must be on the health history sheet. Š List three conditions that disqualify clients from soaking. Š Provide the reasons for not trimming cuticles. Š Describe a soakless pedicure. Š List three reasons why a patient would have a soakless pedicure.


how to deal with them, and when not to or how to perform the services. The protocols of the services must be changed for some clients, and some should not have one at all. The only way to discern these clients is through the health list on their sheet. Unfortunately, it appears that no schools are training students on how to get this information. And just as important, an informed manicurist can protect herself from contracting an infection and can prevent later clients from getting it as well. Below is a typical all-services health questionnaire list. Some add “or a history of” to their request for information.

Client Health Sheet Your health background is important to the provision of safe services. Please circle any conditions you have, medications you take or activities you do that are listed below.

Blood pressure (high or low)



Cold hands and feet

Nail or foot fungus

Kidney problems


Experienced a sunburn

Bleeding disorders


Any skin disease


Use Accutane ®


Digital herpes

Arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis

Open lesions of any kind



Foot bone abnormalities

Undergo chemotherapy

Diabetes (I or II)


Hepatitis A, B, or C


Varicose veins

Use medications that cause skin light sensitivity

Heart problems


Undergone hormone replacement

Stress-related condition

Use oral acne products

Have extremely sensitive skin

Thyroidism (hyper or hypo)

Use a tanning bed

Use heparin/similar meds

● High blood pressure (hypertension) can cause fluid buildup and swollen hands and feet. The effects of high blood pressure on the nervous and circulatory systems can cause pain, loss of sensation (neuropathy) and tingling in the feet and can increase the susceptibility for infection and foot ulcers and thus increase the potential for infections and ulcers that can lead to amputations or even death. The technician should assume that clients with longstanding high blood pressure do not have full feeling in their feet because of damage to the nerves in the feet, and they heal poorly because of damage to the blood vessels in the feet. Massage is contraindicated for any person with high blood pressure. Soaking is also contraindicated; a soakless pedicure is indicated.

Below are details involving the particular conditions and precautions for providing manicure and pedicure services to clients with the conditions and meds that are listed on the above example of a health sheet. The information does not cover all the needed information – that would take a book. It is the responsibility of each individual manicurist to seek out this valuable information. Clients with certain conditions should check with their physician for permission to have pedicures. Blood pressure (high or low) is the relationship of the vascular pressure needed to move sufficient blood to achieving homeostasis in the organs.

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Book Code: NTFL1024


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