Florida Nail Technician Ebook Continuing Education

(a) All specialty services to be performed by the applicant under this exception shall be performed under the supervision of a registered specialist. “Under the supervision of a registered specialist” shall mean that an individual who then holds a current, active Florida registration as a specialist in the same specialty for which the applicant has applied, or an individual who then holds a current, active Florida license as a cosmetologist shall be physically present at all times when the applicant is performing specialty services. (b) All specialty services performed by the applicant under this exception shall be performed in a licensed cosmetology or specialty salon. All times during which the applicant is performing specialty services in the salon, the license for the cosmetology or specialty salon shall be in a current and active status. (2) Prior to beginning the performance of specialty services under this exception, all applicants shall provide to the cosmetology or specialty salon license holder or his or her representative a copy of the completed application for registration as a specialist submitted to the Department by the applicant. (3) Upon being notified by the Department that his or her application is incomplete, or that he or she has been determined to be not qualified for registration as a specialist, an applicant shall immediately inform the cosmetology or specialty salon license holder or his or her representative of the notification; and shall immediately cease performing specialty services under this (1) The Board shall act in accordance with the following guidelines when it finds the enumerated violations in disciplinary cases. The Board shall impose a penalty within the range of each applicable disciplinary violation set forth below unless the Board finds one or more aggravating or mitigating circumstances, in which case the Board may deviate from the guideline penalty. A penalty shall be Chapter 61G5-30 Disciplinary Guidelines 61G5-30.001 Disciplinary Guidelines.

exception until the applicant shall have corrected any deficiencies in their earlier application as noted by the Department, or shall have submitted a new application which demonstrates that the applicant is qualified for registration as a specialist, and shall have paid all applicable application and registration fees. 61G5-29.013 Registration Renewal Procedures. (1) All specialty registrations shall be valid for a period of two years or until the end of the biennial licensure renewal cycle in which they are first issued, whichever occurs first. The biennial licensure renewal cycle for all specialty registrations shall coincide with the biennial licensure renewal cycle used for the renewal of cosmetology licenses. (2) At the time of registration renewal, all specialty registrants shall pay all applicable renewal fees and charges as provided in Chapter 61G5-24, F.A.C. Prior to the expiration of their specialty registration, all specialty registrants shall complete all continuing education requirements as set forth in Rule 61G5- 32.001, F.A.C., including a Board approved HIV/AIDS training course as provided in Section 455.2228, F.S. All HIV/AIDS training courses shall comply with the requirements as set forth in Rule 61G5-18.011, F.A.C. (3) Spouses of members of the Armed Forces of the United States are exempted from all registration renewal provisions, but only in cases of absence from the state because of their spouses’ duties with the Armed Forces.

imposed for each separate violation and/or offense. The penalty range indicated is for a single offense. A second or subsequent offense refers to a violation in which prior action has been taken by the Department either in the form of a citation, as set forth in Section 455.224, F.S., and Rule 61G5-30.004, F.A.C., or as prior discipline before the Board. Refer to the statutory and rule citations for a full description of each violation.


PENALTY RANGE For first and subsequent offenses unless otherwise indicated. 1. For a person who was never licensed or otherwise authorized to practice, or whose license or registration has been revoked, a fine of $500. 2. For a licensee or registrant who fails to properly renew and continues to provide services, a fine of $100 for every month or partial month during which the individual was delinquent, unlicensed, or unregistered, up to a maximum of $500. A second delinquent offense shall include suspension for 60 days upon renewal, and a third offense shall include suspension for 90 days upon renewal, revocation, or denial of license. 3. For a person who provides services with a suspended license or registration, a fine of $500. A second offense shall include a consecutive suspension for up to 90 days. A third offense shall include a consecutive suspension for up to one year and/or revocation. 1. For a salon that has never been licensed, or for which the salon license has been suspended or revoked, a fine of $500. 2. For a salon in which the license which has become delinquent, a fine of $100 for every month or partial month of delinquency during which the salon has operated, up to a maximum of $500. 3. For a salon operating on a suspended license, a fine of $500 and/or a consecutive suspension for up to 60 days. A second or subsequent violation shall include suspension for up to one year or revocation. 4. For a salon operating on a revoked license: A fine of $500 and/or refusal to certify to the department an application for licensure. 1. For a violation involving a person providing services who was never licensed or registered in Florida, or whose license or registration has been suspended or revoked, a fine of $500. The second and subsequent offenses shall include salon suspension for up to 60 days or revocation. 2. For a violation involving a person providing services who failed to properly renew or whose exemption has terminated, a fine of $100 for every month or partial month during which the violation took place, up to a maximum of $500.

(a) A person without an active license or

registration who engages in the practice of, or holds oneself out to practice, cosmetology or a specialty.

(Section 477.0265(1)(a) or 477.029(1)(a), F.S.)

(b) Operating an unlicensed salon or a salon otherwise not duly licensed; salon operating without a license. (Section 477.0265(1)(b)1., 477.029(1)(b), or 477.025(1), F.S.)

(c) A licensed salon or a person operating a salon that permits a person without a license or registration, unless exempt, to perform cosmetology or specialty services in the salon. (Section 477.0265(1)(b)2., F.S., or Rule 61G5-20.001, F.A.C.)

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Book Code: NTFL1024


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