Please read these instructions before proceeding. Read and study the enclosed courses and answer the final examination questions. To receive credit for your courses, you must provide your customer information and complete the evaluation. We offer three ways for you to complete. Choose an option below to receive credit and your certificates of completion. How to complete continuing education
Fastest way to receive your certificate of completion
Online • Go to . Use the book code PTNJ0824 and enter it in the example box that pops up then click GO . • If you already have an account created, sign in to your account with your username and password. If you do not have an account already created, you will need to create one now. • Follow the online instructions to complete your final exam. Complete the purchase process to receive course credit and your certificate of completion. Please remember to complete the online survey. By mail • Fill out the answer sheet and evaluation found in the back of this booklet. Please include a check or credit card information and e-mail address. Mail to Elite, PO Box 37, Ormond Beach, FL 32175 . • Completions will be processed within 2 business days from the date it is received and certificates will be e-mailed to the address provided. • Submissions without a valid e-mail will be mailed to the address provided.
By fax • Fill out the answer sheet and evaluation found in the back of this booklet. Please include credit card information and e-mail address. Fax to (386) 673-3563 . • All completions will be processed within 2 business days of receipt and certificates e-mailed to the address provided. • Submissions without a valid e-mail will be mailed to the address provided.
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Book Code: PTNJ0824
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