ACL INJURY, SURGERY, AND REHABILITATION: A SCIENCE-BASED AND EVIDENCE-INFORMED APPROACH Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 76, or complete your test online at 21. The posterolateral bundle of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is slack: a. In full knee extension. b. In deep flexion. 30. Single-legged hop tests should not be completed following ACL injury if: a. The quadriceps index is 85%. b. Effusion is greater than a trace.
c. Throughout the full range of motion. d. Throughout the midrange of motion. 22. Relative to the femur, the ACL is the primary restraint to the: a. Anterior translation of the tibia. b. Posterior translation of the tibia. c. Medial translation of the tibia. d. Lateral translation of the tibia. 23. Patients who benefit most from ACL reconstruction are individuals: a. With recurrent instability who wish to return to multidirectional activities. b. Who are older, inactive, and do not want to wear a knee brace. c. With weak quadriceps and hamstrings muscles. d. With range of motion deficits. 24. One nonmodifiable risk factor associated with noncontact ACL injury is: a. Having a low body mass index. b. Being female. c. Having a wide femoral notch. d. Strong hamstrings. 25. One risk factor for an initial and second ACL injury is: a. Poor lower extremity neuromuscular control. b. Good trunk neuromuscular control. c. Increased hamstrings flexibility. d. Equal distribution between limbs during activities. 26. Poor dynamic knee stability is more common in: a. Women than in men. b. Younger patients than in older patients. c. Patients with a work-related mechanism of injury than in patients with a sports activity mechanism of injury. d. Patients with a contact mechanism of injury than in patients with a noncontact mechanism of injury. 27. A preoperative predictor of poor functional outcomes following ACL reconstruction is: a. Knee joint effusion. b. Double-legged jump tests. c. Antalgic gait. d. Poor quadriceps muscle strength. 28. Knee extension range of motion of the reconstructed knee is considered within normal range when it reaches: c. 2° of the contralateral knee. d. 5° of the contralateral knee. 29. The most accurate clinical test to detect acute ACL tears is the: a. Anterior drawer test. b. Valgus stress test. c. Lachman test. d. Single-legged hop test. a. 2° of neutral. b. 5° of neutral.
c. The patient has not yet had ACL reconstruction. d. The patient is less than 12 months out from ACL reconstruction. 31. A patient-reported outcome that measures psychological responses to return to sport activities following ACL reconstruction is the: a. Marx Activity Rating Scale. b. International Knee Documentation Committee 2000 (IKDC 2000). c. Global Rating Scale of Perceived Function (GRS). d. ACL-Return to Sport after Injury (ACL-RSI) scale. 32. The structure least likely to be injured along with the ACL is the: a. Meniscus. b. Lateral collateral ligament. c. Medial collateral ligament. d. Articular cartilage. 33. A patient is classified as a potential noncoper if his or her: a. Effusion is graded as a trace. b. Single-legged crossover hop is >90%. c. GRS score is <60%. d. Quadriceps index is <80%. 34. During roller board and platform perturbation training, patients are instructed on: a. Moving the roller board in the same direction of the force applied by the therapist. b. Overcoming the applied force to the roller board. c. Developing selective muscle contraction during the training. d. Co-contracting all muscles that cross the knee joint. 35. ACL reconstruction is not recommended until: a. The GRS score is >60%. b. Pain is rated at 0/10 on a visual analogue scale. c. The patient has returned to preinjury activity levels. d. The quadriceps index is ≥90%.. 36. Patella mobilization, stationary cycling, and prone hangs and bag hangs with weights are beneficial for: a. Improving quadriceps strength. b. Managing joint effusion. c. Improving knee joint range of motion. d. Reducing pain. 37. The hamstrings strengthening exercises in patients with semitendinosus-gracilis autograft can be initiated:
a. 1 week after ACL reconstruction surgery. b. 4 weeks after ACL reconstruction surgery. c. 8 weeks after ACL reconstruction surgery. d. 12 weeks after ACL reconstruction surgery.
38. To increase quadriceps strength using neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) training, the amplitude of the electrical current should produce a quadriceps force to be equivalent to what percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction of the injured limb’s quadriceps muscle?
a. 25%. b. 50%. c. 75%. d. 110%.
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