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push ACL research forward to provide therapists with the best rehabilitation guidelines and with effective objective measures Glossary ● Allograft : Graft tissue transplanted from a donor’s body, typically a cadaver. ● Anthropometric : Referring to measurement of the human body. ● Arthrofibrosis : Restriction of joint motion secondary to excessive scar tissue response. ● Arthrogenic : Originating in the joint. ● Autograft : Graft from the same individual. ● Bundle : A group of fibers arranged parallel to each other that work together to provide stability in a specific direction. ● Carioca : A forward and backward leg crossover while moving laterally in right and left directions. Adams, D., Logerstedt, D., Hunter-Giordano, A., Axe, M. J., & Snyder-Mackler, L. (2012). Current concepts for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A criterion-based rehabilitation progression. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 42(7), 601-614. 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● Drop-out cast : A cylindrical splint with pads placed under the heel, with its front side cut along the entire length of the splint so it can be slipped on and off the leg. ● Dynamometry : Measurement of force using a device called a dynamometer . ● Hemarthrosis : Blood in the joint. ● Mechanoreceptor : Sensory receptor that responds to mechanical pressure or distortion. ● Plyometric : Referring to activities using maximal force in the shortest time possible to increase speed and power. ● Q-angle : Angle formed in the frontal plane between the upper leg and the lower leg. ● Somatosensation : Sensory activity, including proprioception and the sensations of touch, temperature, and pain. A 14-year follow-up study of a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 42(5), 1049- 1057. Š Barrack, R. L., Bruckner, J. D., Kneisl, J., Inman, W. S., & Alexander, A. H. (1990, October). 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