and treatment and conduct more comprehensive progress assessments. Decisions on treatment would be based on a wealth of data from the coordinated treatment team rather than a fragmented system where important information may not be communicated in a timely manner.
more comprehensive care but would benefit from the convenience and easy access, especially for clients with physical disabilities. Health care providers in the same proximity could communicate and work together to provide optimum care in less time. They could coordinate tests, consult on diagnosis
educators (Alliance for Massage Therapy Education, 2012). Within this broader mission, one of the organization’s primary goals is to strengthen and improve the quality of massage education. To carry out this objective, the Alliance has embarked upon a long-term effort to address the critical need for teacher training, called the National Teacher Education Standards Project (TESP) . ● Standard 5: Application of Content Teachers understand how to connect theory and methodology and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking and creativity. They understand how to build the comprehensive skills needed for the practice of massage therapy. ● Standard 6: Planning for Instruction Teachers plan instruction that supports every student in meeting well-defined learning objectives by drawing upon knowledge of subject, curriculum, andragogy and pedagogy. They also draw upon knowledge of learners and the body-centered nature of massage therapy education. ● Standard 7: Instructional Strategies and Delivery Teachers understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to motivate learners to develop a comprehensive understanding of theory and methodology, and to build skills to apply the knowledge in meaningful and effective ways. ● Standard 8: Observation and Assessment Teachers understand and use multiple methods of assessment to engage and receive feedback from learners in their own growth, to observe and evaluate learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making. ● Standard 9: Professional Development and Ethical Conduct Teachers participate in ongoing learning activities, engage in self-reflection, and receive input from others on the performance of their duties to increase their knowledge and skills. They bring a high level of ethical awareness to their work with learners and colleagues, and maintain a healthy balance in their professional life. ● Standard 10: Collaboration Teachers participate in activities that advance the art and science of massage therapy through collaboration with colleagues and other education and health care professionals. (Alliance for Massage therapy Education, 2012). Members are committed to promoting professionalism and serving the learning experience of their students in every educational setting. The ethical principles set forth in this Code are intended to foster respectful relationships within the community of students, faculty, staff and institutional leaders, to facilitate successful educational outcomes, and to ultimately improve the quality of care provided to all who receive massage therapy services.
The continued growth of ethical practice in the profession of massage and bodywork therapy depends upon quality education and training and the Alliance For Massage Therapy Education (AFMTE) is dedicated to this goal. The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education was established to serve as an independent voice, advocate and resource for the community of massage schools and The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education standards This document contains ten standards that begin with a descriptive narrative and then lists competencies needed to carry out that element of the educational process. These elements are presented in the matrix of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs), which form the basis for effective and successful teaching. Knowledge is something an individual has learned or discovered, skill is the ability to do something well and consistently and attitude is an internal state, value or belief that influences an individual’s choices or decisions to act in a certain way under particular circumstances. The ten standards are summarized as follows and the KSA elements can be found on their website as listed on the reference page: ● Standard 1: Learner Development and Well-being Teachers recognize that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and social aspects. Teachers design and implement developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences and maintain a focus on the progress of learners throughout the educational process. ● Standard 2: Learning Differences and Integrative Approaches Teachers use understanding of individual differences and cultural factors to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable learners to meet their full potential, and recognize the interconnected nature of human experience to provide adult learners with rich opportunities for personal growth and integration. ● Standard 3: Learning Environments Teachers work with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation. ● Standard 4: Content Knowledge Teachers understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the subject(s) they teach. They create learning experiences that make these aspects of the subject accessible and meaningful for learners to assure competency in the content. A Code of Ethics for Educators A Code of Ethics for Educators was developed by the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education (AFMTE). According to their literature:
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