Louisiana Massage Therapy Ebook Continuing Education

NCCIH seeks to support fundamental science that will lead to the development of improved methodologies for complementary health research, especially those that can be used to assess symptoms such as pain, depression, and anxiety. Objective 2: Improve Care for Hard-to-Manage Symptoms ● Develop and improve complementary health approaches and integrative treatment strategies for managing symptoms such as pain, anxiety, and depression. ● Conduct studies in “real world” clinical settings to test the safety and efficacy of complementary health approaches, including their integration into health care. Objective 3: Foster Health Promotion and Disease Prevention ● Investigate mechanisms of action of complementary and integrative health approaches in health resilience and practices that improve health and prevent disease. ● Study complementary health approaches to promote health and wellness across the lifespan in diverse populations. ● Explore research opportunities to study and assess the safety and efficacy of complementary health approaches in nonclinical settings such as community and employer-based wellness programs. Objective 4: Enhance the Complementary and Integrative Health Research Workforce ● Support research training and career development opportunities to increase the number and quality of scientists trained to conduct rigorous, cutting-edge research on complementary and integrative health practices. ● Foster interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships. Objective 5: Disseminate Objective Evidence-based Information on Complementary and Integrative Health Interventions ● Disseminate evidence-based information on complementary and integrative health approaches. ● Develop methods and approaches to enhance public understanding of basic scientific concepts and biomedical research. Specialty Certification Through NCBTMB Ethical practice involves the obligation to work within the scope of practice. The scope corresponds to the training, education, experience and competence to provide client care using modalities that are effective for symptoms of specific conditions. To prepare the professional for their increased role as a provider in an integrated healthcare system, the NCBTMB offers three specialty certifications that align with the NCCIH Strategic Plan: Exploring the Science of Complementary and Integrative Health. According to the NCBTMB website (NCBTMB, 2016d): The creation of NCBTMB’s Specialty Certificate Program furthers the mission of defining and advancing standards by creating another career pathway for massage and bodywork therapists. By partnering with major healthcare organizations and academic programs across the country, specialty certification empowers current and future massage therapists with top-notch education and experience necessary to succeed in various environments Conclusion As the popularity, integration, and acceptance of massage therapy and bodywork throughout the healthcare field continues to increase, so will the demand for professional practitioners who trained in a variety of techniques and well versed in the area of ethical practice. Therapists will need to expand their practice to keep pace with the profession that has expanded to treat a wide variety of mental and physical conditions, and a diverse client base. Many insurance companies cover massage and bodywork therapy as these professions are gaining acceptance and value in the medical community as collaborative partners. This growth requires the massage and bodywork professional to increase their knowledge in the field of ethics including confidentiality

or when working with specific populations. A specialty certificate symbolizes advanced education and training in a particular modality or when working with a specific population. The Specialty Certificate program assists graduates to meet requirements that both massage therapy leaders and healthcare organizations agree are necessary for the practitioner to address the healthcare needs of these diverse populations. The mission of the Specialty Certificate includes the following areas to (NCBTMB, 2016d): ● Further elevate the standards of massage therapy. ● Further massage therapy’s role in integrative healthcare. ● Provide therapists access to high-quality, advanced programs for specific modalities and populations. ● Ensure patients receive the best possible care. The NCBTMB offers three areas of specialty certification as described below: 1. Massage Therapy for Integrative Healthcare This program is comprised of thirty nine semester hours and designed for students interested massage therapy and healthcare providers seeking to expand their clinical skills and knowledge in the field. Graduates of this program are prepared to work in direct client care settings to provide manipulation, massage, of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress, and to promote health and wellness. 2. Sports Massage The NCBTMB/AMTA Sports Massage Specialty Certificate Program provides a solid foundational overview on the subject via a series of six online classes (21.5 CEs) looking at the science and settings for sports massage and is enhanced by a face-to-face workshop (8 CEs) featuring techniques and applications most appropriate when working with athletes. The subject matter was designed to provide newer practitioners an overview of this important area of practice, while being detailed enough to give more veteran therapists a refresher of the current science in the field. 3. Military Veteran Massage A Specialty Certificate in Military Veteran Massage provides the education and experience necessary to offer safe, effective, and nurturing massage for those that experienced physical and/or psychological trauma while serving in the United States military during conflict and war. Students will explore the Guidelines applying six separate training modules focusing on Communication & Respect, Consent & Psychological Pressure, Competency & Scope of Practice, Boundaries & Power Differential, Discrimination, and Therapist Self Care (NCBTMB, 2016d). The NCBTMB has partnered with major healthcare and professional organizations, along with academic institutions across the country, to provide the highest standard of excellence in education and training. These programs will prepare practitioners to keep pace with growth and development within the profession of massage and bodywork in systems of integrated care. and privacy issues included in the HIPAA Rules that govern the electronic sharing, maintenance and storage of protected client information. These positive changes in the profession increase the need for comprehensive knowledge and application of the principles of ethical conduct as the profession joins mainstream acceptance in the community. Therapists will face increased regulation as they are integrated into medical models, so best practice for informed consent, records maintenance, confidentiality, privacy regulations, professional standards of conduct will be closely monitored as a condition of practice.


Book Code: MLA1224

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