Louisiana Massage Therapy Ebook Continuing Education


● Making appropriate referrals, if necessary. Any negative perceptions of a massage professional’s marketing materials or advertisements tend to reflect poorly on colleagues and the profession as a whole. Promotional materials should: ● Include the therapist’s license number, place of business, and phone number. ● Refrain from using fear or guilt as motivational tactics. ● Avoid unrealistic, misleading, or sensational claims, or promises to cure specific conditions or ailments. ● Avoid using words or images that might be construed as sexual in nature. ● Adhere to truth-in-advertising standards. Today massage and bodywork practitioners may serve as part of a multidisciplinary health care team and have the responsibility to collaborate with other health care providers to help clients achieve wellness goals. Clients regard their health professionals as role models for health and wellness, which adds to the importance of practitioners to maintain a healthy lifestyle and balance in their lives. To be regarded as health care professionals, practitioners must exemplify ethical standards in their daily practice and in the community. ● Breathwork. ● Meditating or praying. ● Quiet breaks. ● Healthy eating. Off-the-Job Self-Care tips include: ● Sacred ritual practice. ● Physical exercise. ● Regular massage for yourself. ● Participation in sports and games. ● Vacations. ● Time spent with friends and family (AMTA, 2016f). and other useful points regarding their place of business, such as bathroom locations, and what to expect in a typical session, can be distributed to clients in the waiting room before their first session. Some ethical issues are easy to avoid, but other areas fall into the grey areas that require introspection, study of the ethical standards and codes, and state regulations sometimes guidance from supervisors or agency administrators. Providing basic instructions and answers to common questions in a brief information sheet can put new clients at ease, especially when these clients are new to the experience and unfamiliar with a facility’s personnel and way of conducting business. During the session, the therapist should inform the client when moving from one area to another, especially when the movement is to a particularly vulnerable area, such as the abdomen. Therapists should also cover the following areas prior to the session: ● Assess sensitivity and tolerance, and inform the client as they progress to deeper movements. ● Perform tapotement only with client permission, and after the individual is adequately informed about the process. ● Take care not to startle a client in a relaxed state. ● Inform the client regarding potential massage after-effects, such as tenderness or soreness, and the expected duration of such effects. ● Ask the client near the end of the session if any particular area needs further attention.

Conducting business in an ethical manner involves treating people fairly and decently, using skills and time effectively, and adhering to high standards. A massage therapist’s promotional materials, record-keeping, financial dealings, and conduct in day-to-day business matters should also follow ethical guidelines. Maintaining a practice in good standing means: ● Filing local, state, and federal taxes. ● Discussing and/or displaying fee schedules and billing practices prior to a first meeting. ● Making the client’s welfare the paramount concern. ● Following generally accepted accounting practices. ● Keeping accurate financial records. ● Maintaining patient confidentiality. ● Respecting and collaborating with other professionals. Self-care techniques Massage and bodywork practitioners are faced with a number of mental and physical challenges that may cause stress due to managing a career or business, helping clients with varying conditions, and providing care that requires a high degree of strenuous, physical activity. Practitioners must prioritize self-care to reduce stress, and maintain health and stamina to provide the best care for clients. A regular program of self-care can reduce high blood pressure, improve digestion, promote healthy sleep, and improve your memory or concentration (AMTA, 2016f). Self-care to maintain a successful practice The AMTA provides the following information of the importance of self care to support a successful practice: Practicing self-care is as important to your business success as your client and business skills are. If you injure yourself through poor use of body mechanics or physical exhaustion, the effect on your business could be devastating. A healthy self-care routine allows you to take on the demanding yet satisfying work required of massage therapists. Take care of yourself and your business at the same time (AMTA, 2016f). The AMTA provides the following tips for self care on and off the job: On-the-Job Self-Care tips include: ● Consistently good body mechanics. New clients Massage therapists should assume that a new client knows nothing about massage therapy. Many massage therapists create an information sheet to acquaint new clients with basic massage concepts. Office personnel, customary procedures, Written policies: Contracts Fee schedules and office policies are another area that can interfere with a positive client relationship and lead to ethical conflicts. Policies concerning late or missed appointments, cancellation fees, fees for different time periods or modalities must be clearly explained and agreed to at the time of booking the appointment. Establishing and explaining policies to clients prior to booking sessions can save everyone time and money and clients and ensure that the practice operates in a coordinated, organized, and professional manner. This will also help to maintain an effective schedule that keeps the office running on time, which clients and therapists expect and deserve. As an employer, written policies are essential to maintain a professional practice, in which staff understands their duties, responsibilities and uniform procedures to ensure quality care for clients. Employees must understand all administrative policies and expectations prior to accepting a position. There should be a written employee handbook that includes all policies, procedures and the code of ethics for the practice. In-service training should be provided for new staff and held periodically on topics of importance to all staff to provide continuing education and training.

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