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PREVENTING FALLS IN OLDER ADULTS Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 148, or complete your test online at
53. Which person below has the highest risk for falling? a. 65-year-old white male. b. 85-year-old white male. c. 85-year-old white female. d. 65-year-old black female. 54. Older adults who exhibit forward head posture may have an increased risk for falls due to: a. Neck pain and abnormal balance reactions. b. Vestibular deficits and poor cervical proprioception. c. Back pain and delayed stepping strategy. d. Decreased cervical range of motion and loss of grip strength.
51. Fall prevention in older adults should be a priority for rehabilitation therapists because an older adult is seen in the emergency department for a fall: a. Every hour of every day. b. Every 13 seconds. c. At least once in their lifetime. d. At least twice in their lifetime. 52. Which set of fall risk factors are considered extrinsic factors? a. Cognitive decline, age, gait speed. b. Age, lower extremity strength, poor vision.
c. Trip hazards, slippery floors, age. d. Uneven surfaces, stairs, throw rugs.
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