● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Preventions and Control, Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention. STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries) Tool Kit for Health Care Providers : https://www.cdc.gov/steadi/materials.html This link provides instructions for functional tests, measuring orthostatic blood pressure, and many other materials for healthcare providers. offered to all participants in a program (population approach). ● Multifactorial fall risk assessment : Assessment of known predisposing factors within the person and in the environment that increase the risk for falling. ● Multifactorial intervention : An intervention made up of a subset of interventions that are selected and offered to an individual to address the specific risk factors identified through a multifactorial fall risk assessment. ● Postural control : Controlling the body’s position in space for the dual purposes of stability and orientation. ● Postural orientation : Ability to maintain an appropriate relationship between body segments, the body, and environment for a task. ● Postural stability : Ability to control the center of mass relationship to the base of support. ● Single intervention : An intervention in one of the preceding categories, such as balance and strength exercise program, medication adjustment, vision improvement, home/environmental modification, footwear adjustment, educational programs. ● Stepping strategy : Maintaining upright posture by stepping when the center of mass cannot be maintained over the current base of support. ● Suspensory strategy : Flexing at the ankle, knee, and hip to lower the center of gravity toward the base of support. 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● Canadian Fall Prevention Community of Practice : http://www.fallsloop.com/( http://www.fallsloop.com/). ● Fall Prevention Awareness: Advanced Training for Home Health Aides : https://phinational.org/resource/fall-prevention-awareness- enhanced-training-curriculum-for-home-health-aides/ ● Community Powerpoint: Take a Stand to Prevent Falls- AOTA/AGPT Fall Risk Presentation : http://geriatricspt.org/pdfs/AOTA-APTA-Falls-Prevention.pdf Glossary Definitions important to understanding course content include the following terms used by the American Geriatrics Society, the British Geriatrics Society, and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons in “Prevention of Falls in Older Person: AGS/BGS Clinical Practice Guideline” (AGS/BGS CGG, 2010): ● Ankle balance strategy : Balance adjustments made at the ankle joint as the person sways much like an inverted pendulum in the anterior/posterior or medial/lateral directions. ● Cross-over strategy : Lateral step of one lower extremity over and across the other leg in order to prevent a loss of balance. ● Fall : An event whereby an individual unexpectedly comes to rest on the ground or another lower level without known loss of consciousness. ● Hip balance strategy : Adjustments made at the hip in the anterior and posterior planes, involving hip flexion and extension in order to remain upright. The challenge to postural control that elicits a hip strategy is typically stronger than that for an ankle strategy (a stronger push or larger shift in the support surface). ● Intervention domains (categories) : Medication, exercise, vision postural hypotension, heart rate and rhythm, vitamin D, foot and footwear, home environment, education. ● Multicomponent intervention : A set of interventions addressing more than one intervention domain or category Abizanda, P., Romero, L., & Sanchez-Jurado, P. M. (2012). Association between functional assessment instruments and frailty in older adults: The FRADEA study. Journal of Frailty & Aging, 1 (4), 162-168. American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and British Geriatrics Society (BGS) Panel on the Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention of Falls in Older Persons. (2010). AGS/BGS clinical practice guideline: prevention of falls in older persons . 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