TX Physical Therapy 28-Hour Ebook Cont…

Š Kegelmeyer, D. A., Kloos, A. D., Thomas, K. M., & Kostyk, S. K. (2007). Reliability and validity of the Tinetti Mobility Test for individuals with Parkinson disease. Physical Therapy, 87 (10), 1369-1378. Š Kegelmeyer, D. A., Parthasarathy, S., Kostyk, S. K., White, S. E., & Kloos, A. D. (2013). Assistive devices alter gait patterns in Parkinson disease: Advantages of the four- wheeled walker. Gait & Posture, 38 (1), 20-24. Š Keus, S. H., Munneke, M., Nijkrake, M. J., Kwakkel, G., & Bloem, B. R. (2009). Physical therapy in Parkinson’s disease: Evolution and future challenges. Movement Disorders Journal, 24 (1), 1-14. Š Kloos, A. D., Kegelmeyer, D. A., Ambrogi, K., Kline, D., McCormack-Mager, M., Schroeder, B., & Kostyk, S. K. (2019). The Step Test Evaluation of Performance on Stairs (STEPS): Validation and reliability in a neurological disorder. PLOS ONE, 14 (3), e0213698. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213698 Š Kloos, A. D., Kegelmeyer, D. A., White, S. E., & Kostyk, S. K. (2012). The impact of different types of assistive devices on gait measures and safety in Huntington’s disease. PLOS One, 7 (2), e30903. Š Kuroda, K., Tatara, K., Takatorige, T., & Shinsho, F. (1992). Effect of physical exercise on mortality in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 86 (1), 55-59. Š Langhammer, B., & Lindmark, B. (2012). Functional exercise and physical fitness post stroke: The importance of exercise maintenance for motor control and physical fitness after stroke. Stroke Research and Treatment , 864835. Š Leddy, A. L., Crowner, B. E., & Earhart, G. M. (2011). Functional gait assessment and balance evaluation system test: Reliability, validity, sensitivity, and specificity for identifying individuals with Parkinson disease who fall. Physical Therapy, 91 (1), 102-113. Š Li, F., Harmer, P., Fitzgerald, K., Eckstrom, E., Stock, R., Galver, J., Maddalozzo, G., & Batya, S. S. (2012). Tai chi and postural stability in patients with Parkinson’s disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 366 (6), 511-519. Š Maitra, K. K. (2007). Enhancement of reaching performance via self-speech in people with Parkinson’s disease. Clinical Rehabilitation, 21 (5), 418-424. Š Majsak, M. J., Kaminski, T., Gentile, A. M., & Gordon, A. M. (2008). Effects of a moving target versus a temporal constraint on reach and grasp in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Experimental Neurology, 210 (2), 479-488. Š Mehrholz, J. R., Kugler, J., Storch, A., Pohl, M., Elsner, B., & Hirsch, K. (2015). Treadmill training for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015 (8), CD007830. 10.1002/14651858. CD007830.pub3 Š Miyai, I., Fujimoto, Y., Yamamoto, H., Ueda, Y., Saito, T., Nozaki, S., & Kang, J. (2002). Long-term effect of body weight-supported treadmill training in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83 (10), 1370. Š Motl, R. W., & Goldman, M. (2011). Physical inactivity, neurological disability, and cardio- respiratory fitness in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 123 (2), 98-104. Š Nolan, M., Nitz, J., Choy, N. L., & Illing, S. (2010). Age-related changes in musculoskeletal function, balance and mobility measures in men aged 30-80 years. Aging Male, 13 (3), 194-201. Š Oliveira, R. M., Gurd, J. M., Nixon, P., Marshall, J. C., & Passingham, R. E. (1997). Micrographia in Parkinson’s disease: The effect of providing external cues. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 63 (4), 429-433. Š Padgett, P. K., Jacobs, J. V., & Kasser, S. L. (2012). Is the BESTest at its best? A suggested brief version based on interrater reliability, validity, internal consistency, and theoretical construct. Physical Therapy, 92 (9), 1197-1207. Š Pang, M. Y., & Mak, M. K. (2009). Trunk muscle strength, but not trunk rigidity, is independently associated with bone mineral density of the lumbar spine in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders, 24 (8), 1176-1182. 10.1002/mds.22531 Š Pardoel, S., Kofman, J., Nantel, J., & Lemaire, E. D. (2019). Wearable-sensor-based detection and prediction of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: A review. Sensors, 19 (23), 5141. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19235141 Š Parkinson’s Disease Foundation. (n.d.). Statistics on Parkinson’ s. http://www.pdf.org/ parkinson_statistics Š Poewe, W., Seppi, K., Tanner, C. M., Halliday, G. M., Brundin, P., Volkmann, J., Schrag, A. E., & Lang, A. E. (2017). Parkinson disease. Nature Reviews. Disease Primers, 3 , 17013. https:// doi.org/10.1038/nrdp.2017.13 Š Postuma, R. B., Berg, D., Stern, M., Poewe, W., Olanow, C. W., Oertel, W., Obeso, J., Marek, K., Litvan, I., Lang, A. E., Halliday, G., Goetz, C. G., Gasser, T., Dubois, B., Chan, P., Bloem,

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Yingyongyudha, A., Saengsirisuwan, V., Panichaporn, W., & Boonsinsukh, R. (2016). The Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test (Mini-BESTest) demonstrates higher accuracy in identifying older adult participants with history of falls than do the BESTest, Berg Balance Scale, or Timed Up and Go Test. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 39 (2), 64-70. EXAMINATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE CLIENT WITH PARKINSON’S DISEASE, 2ND EDITION Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 148, or complete your test online EliteLearning.com/Book 91. Which of the following factors has been shown to play a role in triggering Parkinson’s disease? a. Carcinogens. b. Genes and environmental factors. c. High-voltage power lines. d. Smoking. 92. A cardinal motor sign of Parkinson’s disease is: a. Bradykinesia. 95. An individual who exhibits a shuffling gait pattern with no arm swing, records a gait speed of 0.6 meters per second, and complains of seeing spiders on his bed at night most likely has: a. Dementia with Lewy bodies. b. Huntington’s disease.

c. Parkinson’s disease (idiopathic). d. Progressive supranuclear palsy. 96. The side effects of treatment with carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet®) can include: a. Chorea. b. Dyskinesia. c. Hyperreflexia. d. Hypokinesia. 97. Deep brain stimulation is used to alleviate symptoms in individuals with Parkinson’s disease who are: a. Still responsive to dopaminergic medications. b. Unresponsive to dopaminergic medications. c. Unable to tolerate pharmacological treatment. d. Under age 65 and exhibiting severe gait problems.

b. Dementia. c. Dysphagia. d. Monotone speech. 93. Slow or bradykinetic movement in Parkinson’s disease is primarily related to: a. Resting tremors. b. Flexed posture. c. Impaired postural reflexes. d. Small or hypokinetic movements. 94. An autonomic problem commonly associated with Parkinson’s disease is: a. Abnormal dilation of the pupils. b. Excessive thirst. c. Diarrhea. d. Orthostatic hypotension.

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