● Parkinson’s Foundation Florida: 200 SE 1st Street, Ste 800, Miami, FL 33131 New York: 1359 Broadway, Ste 1509, New York, NY 10018 E-mail: contact@parkinson.org Toll Free: 800-4PD-INFO (800-473-4636) https://www.parkinson.org/ OUTCOME MEASURES ● Academy of Neurologic PT Outcome Measures Recommendations http://www.neuropt.org/professional-resources/neurology- section-outcome-measures-recommendations ● Evidence and Research https://www.apta.org/patient-care/evidence-based-practice- resources ● Mini-BESTest http://www.bestest.us ● Rehabilitation Measures Database https://www.sralab.org/rehabilitation-measures Esculier, J. F., Vaudrin, J., Beriault, P., Gagnon, K., & Tremblay, L. E. (2012). Home-based balance training programme using Wii Fit with balance board for Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 44 (2), 144-150. Evans, K., Refshauge, K. M., & Adams, R. (2006). Measurement of active rotation in standing: Reliability of a simple test protocol. 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E-mail: info@lsvtglobal.com https://www.lsvtglobal.com/IdaIndexLSVT ● The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Grand Central Station P.O. Box 4777 New York, NY 10163-4777 Toll Free: 800-708-7644 https://www.michaeljfox.org ● National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NIH Neurological Institute P.O. Box 5801 Bethesda, MD 20824 To access free Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) for people with hearing or speech impediments, dial 7-1-1. https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/All-Disorders/ Parkinsons-Disease-Information-Page Toll Free: 800-352-9424 Phone: 301-496-5751 Aarsland, D., Creese, B., Politis, M., Chaudhuri, K. R., Ffytche, D. H., Weintraub, D., & B allard, C. (2017). Cognitive decline in Parkinson disease. Nature Reviews: Neurolog y, 13(4), 217-231. Abbruzzese, G., & Berardelli, A. (2003). Sensorimotor integration in movement disorders. Movement Disorders Journal , 18 (3), 231-240. Armstrong, M. J., & Okun, M. S. (2020). 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