New Jersey Funeral Ebook Continuing Education

Chapter 2: Mass Fatalities and Funeral Service 2 CE Hours

By: J. Cody Walker, Funeral Director and Embalmer Learning outcomes After completing this course, the learner will be able to: Š Interpret the definition and meaning of mass fatality incidents (MFIs) and the role of funeral directors and embalmers in such incidents. Š Recognize the vital role funeral service professionals, personnel and related entities have played in historic MFIs. Implicit bias in healthcare Implicit bias significantly affects how healthcare professionals perceive and make treatment decisions, ultimately resulting in disparities in health outcomes. These biases, often unconscious and unintentional, can shape behavior and produce differences in medical care along various lines, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, and socioeconomic status. Healthcare disparities stemming from implicit bias can manifest in several ways. For example, a healthcare provider might unconsciously give less attention to a patient or make assumptions about their medical needs based on race, gender, or age. The unconscious assumptions can lead to delayed or inadequate care, misdiagnoses, or inappropriate treatments, all of which can adversely impact Introduction Funeral directors and embalmers have always stood ready to assist families in their most difficult times of need. On a typical day, the schedule of a funeral director can, and will often, change with a single phone call, which can modify the plans of a director and the staff of a funeral home. When an event occurs that results in mass fatalities, there are many officials, directors and volunteers who must be prepared to answer the call. When these calls come, funeral

Š Differentiate between the classification levels of MFIs. Š Recognize the infrastructure designed for the occurrence of such incidents, including the roles and responsibilities of various agencies and organizations. Š Design standard operating procedures and plans for staff and personnel in preparation for MFIs impacting one’s local community or area. health outcomes. Addressing implicit bias in healthcare is crucial for achieving equity in medical treatment. Strategies to combat these biases involve education and awareness programs for healthcare professionals. These programs help individuals recognize and acknowledge their biases, fostering a more empathetic and unbiased approach to patient care. Additionally, implementing policies and procedures prioritizing equitable treatment for all patients can play a pivotal role in reducing healthcare disparities. Ultimately, confronting implicit bias in healthcare is essential to creating a more just and equitable healthcare system where everyone receives fair and equal treatment regardless of their background or characteristics. service professionals are willing and prepared to care for the victims while also caring for the families and friends of the victims. Complex and comprehensive planning is required to adequately prepare an infrastructure for mass fatality incidents. This course will discuss MFIs as well as historical events, the infrastructure involved, the role of funeral industry professionals, and how to best prepare for such events.


contaminants is referred to as a complex MFI (Merrill, 2015). The cause of the events that result in an MFI can be by natural forces or ones caused my humans. The incidents resulting from the actions of humans can be intentional or accidental. Examples of natural incidents that have resulted in MFIs include hurricanes (tropical cyclones), tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, floods, heat waves, blizzards, and other natural occurrences. Events that have been intentionally caused by humans and resulted in MFIs include foreign or domestic terroristic attacks. These are not limited to organized and complex terrorist operations and can also include spree shootings and other criminal acts. There are also MFIs that are manmade but accidental, such as explosions in a factory, construction failures, or transportation-related accidents. There is always the potential for MFIs from anticipate and unanticipated causes. Fortunately, there are and will be those who plan, prepare, train and stand ready to respond in order to serve the victims and their families.

There is no preset number of deaths resulting from a particular event in order for an incident to be considered an MFI. The conventionally recognized definition is a situation in which the number of deaths exceeds the local jurisdiction’s response capabilities (Merrill, 2015). The jurisdiction for deaths is determined by local laws and regulations. The jurisdiction normally falls to the local office of the medical examiner, coroner, or justice of the peace. When an event results in deaths that exceed the normal capability of these offices, they can request assistance from a number of other agencies, groups, and organizations. When this assistance is requested, the incident is referred to as a mass fatality incident or an MFI. The number of deaths that constitute an MFI will vary across jurisdictions. Some generally accepted terminology exists to describe various types of MFIs. An incident that results in hundreds of deaths or more is considered to be a large-scale MFI. Whereas an MFI that results in contamination of the site or the remains of the deceased with chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive

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Book Code: FNJ0524

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