Pennsylvania Social Worker Ebook Continuing Education

Terrorism ● Placing in chaotic or dangerous circumstances. ● Having unreasonable or rigid expectations accompanied by threats if not met. ● Threatening or destroying the child’s possessions. ● Perpetrating or threatening violence against the child or the child’s loved ones or objects. Exploitation and corruption ● Permitting, tolerating, or encouraging antisocial or deviant and inappropriate behavior. ● Encouraging the child or coercing them to participate in sexual activities. ● Treating the child as a slave. Absence of an emotional response. ● Being inattentive or indifferent toward the child. ● Ignoring the child’s emotional needs; avoiding visual contact, kisses, or verbal communication. Rejection ● Rejecting the child, pushing them away, making them feel as though they are useless or worthless. ● Undermining the value of their ideas and/or feelings. ● Refusing to help the child. Exposure to domestic violence ● Exposing the child to violent words and acts between the parents. According to the Child Maltreatment 2019 report, 1.4% of child abuse victims were emotionally (or psychologically) abused (Child Maltreatment, 2021). According to the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Annual Child Abuse Report (2021), there were 59 allegations of serious mental injury, making up 1.1% of total allegations of child abuse. Signs of emotional abuse Physical abuse Physical abuse is defined as "a type of maltreatment that refers to physical acts that caused (or could have caused) physical injury to a child" (Child Welfare, 2021). Physical abuse is intentional physical injury ranging from minor bruises to severe fractures to death (Child Welfare, 2021). Such injury is considered abuse regardless of whether the abuser intended to hurt the child. Physical discipline (spanking or paddling) is not considered abuse as long as it does not cause bodily injury and is considered “reasonable” (Child Welfare, 2021). Physical abuse ranges from minor bruises to severe fractures to death as a result of beating, punching, kicking, biting, throwing, shaking, stabbing, choking, hitting (with a hand, stick, strap, or other object), burning, or otherwise harming a child (Child Welfare, 2021). Soft tissue injuries (bruises, abrasions, and lacerations) are the most common (Boos, 2019a). Head injuries, including shaken baby syndrome, are less frequent but cause the majority of deaths (Boos, 2019a). Burns comprise 14% of physical abuse injuries (Leatherby, 2016). Possible abdominal injuries from physical abuse include blunt injuries from hitting or kicking, liver lacerations, and contusions of the kidney or pancreas (Boos, 2019b). Possible types of fractures can include rib fractures, spiral fractures, and multiple fractures (Boos, 2019a). According to Child Maltreatment 2019, of child abuse and neglect victims in the U.S., 17.5% were physically abused (Child Welfare, 2021). In 2021, there were 1,418 allegations of physical abuse, making up 26.1% of total allegations of child abuse in Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Annual Child Abuse Report, 2021).

The following are signs and symptoms of emotional abuse that may be seen in a medical context, at school, or at a day care (American Society for the Positive Care of Children [SPCC], 2018b): ● The child is withdrawn, depressed, or apathetic. ● The child is clingy and forms indiscriminate attachments. ● The child is inappropriately infantile, for example, frequently rocking or head-banging. ● The child “acts out” and displays behavioral problems, for example, bullying others or using profanity. ● The child suffers from bed-wetting or fecal soiling. ● The child makes comments such as, “Mommy always tells me I’m bad.” ● The child pays extreme attention to details or exhibits little or no verbal or physical communication with others. ● The child is overly rigid in following rules from teachers, healthcare providers, or other adults. ● The parent/caregiver constantly belittles, blames, or berates the child. ● The parent/caregiver overtly rejects the child. ● The parent/caregiver is unconcerned about the child and refuses to consider offers of help for the child’s problems. Self-Assessment Quiz Question #4 Which of the following is true regarding possible signs and symptoms of emotional abuse in a child? a. The child reports a strong attachment to the parent. b. The child shows no extremes in behavior. c. The child is either inappropriately infantile, for example, frequently rocking or head banging, or inappropriately adult, for example, parenting other children. d. The child shows maturity in emotional or physical development. Signs of physical abuse Following are signs of possible physical abuse (Child Welfare, 2021): ● The child has unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones, or black eyes. ● The child has fading bruises or other marks noticeable after an absence from school. ● The child seems frightened of the parents and protests or cries when it is time to go home. ● The child shrinks at the approach of adults. ● The child reports injury by a parent or another adult caregiver. ● The child abuses animals or pets. ● The child has a fear of going home. ● The child has a fear of parent or caregiver. ● The child has extreme apprehensiveness/vigilance. ● The child has pronounced aggression or passivity. ● The child flinches easily or avoids being touched. ● The child’s play includes abusive talk or behavior. ● The child has unexplained injuries. ● The child has an unbelievable or inconsistent explanations of injuries. ● The child has injuries inconsistent with a child’s age/ developmental level. ● The child is unable to recall how injuries occurred or account of injuries is inconsistent with the nature of the injuries. ● The child has multiple bruises in various stages of healing. ● The child has bruises located on face, ears, neck, buttocks, back, chest, thighs, back of legs, and genitalia.

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Book Code: SWPA1525

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