PREVENTING SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE FOR ILLINOIS PROFESSIONALS, 2ND EDITION Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and mark your answers on the Final Examination Answer Sheet found on page 76, or complete your test online at 21. According to t he Illinois definition of sexual harassment, the term working environment: a. Means an employment relationship is required for sexual harassment to occur. b. Is not limited to an employment relationship or a physical location. c. States that a working relationship requires a physical location. d. Means that the person who commits sexual harassment must be an employee of the organization. 26. Which of the following examples is the best documentation of sexual harassment? a. “Anthony Smith, PT, Rehab Manager, continually makes comments of a sexual nature that are directed toward me.” b. “On October 1, 2018, in the utility room on 3 West, Anthony Smith, PT, Rehab Manager, implied that if I slept with him, he would see that I was promoted.” c. “On October 1, 2018, at 2 p.m. in the conference room on 3 West, Anthony Smith, PT, Rehab
Manager, said to me ‘If you go to bed with me, I might be able to see that you get that promotion you wanted.’” d. “Anthony Smith, PT, Rehab Manager, threatened me by saying, ‘If you don’t agree to have sex with me, I’ll see that you are fired.’” 27. Which of the following is a reason some victims of sexual harassment do not come forward or come forward years after the event? a. It no longer bothers them. b. They feel ashamed, embarrassed, or guilty. c. Their work environment and job performance were not negatively affected. d. They didn’t want a lawsuit. 28. When the body experiences unrelieved stress: a. Blood vessels dilate. b. Cholesterol is released into the bloodstream. c. Peristalsis increases. d. Production of T lymphocytes increases. 29. Which of the following statements about mental health issues related to stress is accurate? a. Of people with undiagnosed depression, 15% commit suicide. b. During flashbacks, people find that they are significantly connected to reality. c. Research has shown that sexual harassment survivors seldom become involved with substance abuse. d. PTSD often makes a person lethargic and less alert to danger. 30. To help prevent sexual harassment, workplace leadership should: a. Hire employees that are similar to each other in order to reduce potential conflict. b. Tell their employees to find education classes on sexual harassment on their own time. c. Refrain from talking about it often in order to avoid upsetting their employees. d. Take all complaints seriously and establish a clear zero-tolerance policy.
22. According to laws of the state of Illinois, a written sexual harassment policy must include, at a minimum: a. Prohibition on sexual harassment. b. Details on how an individual can report an allegation of sexual harassment. c. A prohibition on retaliation for reporting sexual harassment allegations. d. All of the above. 23. The EEOC states that sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances. The EEOC describes sexual harassment victims as: a. Members of the opposite sex only. b. People who have experienced economic injury as the result of the harassment. c. Anyone offended by the offensive conduct. d. Only those who are in a supervisory position. 24. For the first time, federal legislation prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex in addition to discrimination based on race and religion with the passage of: a. Illinois Public Act 100-0554. b. Whistleblower laws. c. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. d. EEOC mandates. 25. The first step in dealing with noncriminal sexual harassment is to: a. Overtly object to the harasser’s behavior. b. Call the police. c. Hire an attorney. d. Avoid future interactions with the harasser.
Course Code: MIL01SH
Book Code: MIL1224
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