Massage Illinois Ebook Continuing Education

there are worse things that could happen, and that I have a big house, beautiful clothes, and jewelry and should just put up with it. They love my husband and tell me it must be my fault he loses his temper with me.” Rachel restates that the violence is not Mrs. Michel’s fault. However, Rachel also does the following: ○ Tells Mrs. Michel to call 911 if she feels in immediate danger. ○ Provides Mrs. Michel with the contact information for local resources that help persons experiencing intimate partner violence, including the phone numbers of the National Domestic Violence Hotline and local shelters. ○ Advises Mrs. Michel to have some money and essential documents readily accessible and to take them with her if she decides to leave. ○ Advises Mrs. Michel to purchase a prepaid cell phone. ○ Tells Mrs. Michel that domestic violence often escalates and that being prepared to seek safety is critical. Mrs. Michel thanks Rachel but tells her, “I will be OK.” Later, with the help of her supervisor, Rachel documents her findings and calls the state hotline for domestic violence according to her state’s law. Her supervisor is shocked when she learns that the patient is Mrs. Michel, but she supports Rachel. Over the next few days, Rachel hears local gossip that Dr. Michel is suspected of hurting his wife. Very few people believe the report. Rachel’s report was kept confidential. No one except her supervisor and the attending ED physician (who also filed a report) knows the circumstances surrounding the report. Self-Assessment Quiz Question #7 Rachel has been concerned about colleagues finding out that she has filed a domestic violence report. Rachel needs to understand that: a. Her report will be kept confidential. b. Her supervisor will only tell colleagues who need to know. c. Confidentiality is maintained only if domestic violence is proven. d. She needs to explain to her colleagues why she filed the report. Self-Assessment Quiz Question #8 Mrs. Michel is in a women’s shelter and is safe. However, as she plans for her future, she may want to do all of the following EXCEPT: a. Tell her employer what is happening. b. Continue with her current habits and patterns to not disturb the kids. c. Tell the school not to let her children be released to anyone but her. d. Keep a copy of a protective order with her at all times.

mandated reporter, she must legally report her suspicions. She must also know that administrators, supervisors, peers, and colleagues do not have the legal authority to prevent her from reporting suspected abuse. If they attempt to do so, Rachel must adhere to the law and report the abuse according to state laws and state board of nursing mandates. Rachel assesses Mrs. Michel for physical injuries and, using the screening tool identified in organizational policies and procedures, she initiates domestic violence screening. The screening is done in private with the help of the attending ED physician, who persuades Dr. Michel to leave Mrs. Michel alone with Rachel. Mrs. Michel eventually admits to the abuse but tries to excuse it: “My husband takes good care of me most of the time. We have a beautiful home and two wonderful children. I have never had to work for a day, and I have the best of everything. However, he works hard, and his job is so demanding that he loses his temper easily. It is probably my fault. I should keep the house running perfectly and ensure the kids behave, but sometimes I cannot keep up. He is always sorry he hurts me. If I do better, I know he will stop hitting me.” Rachel maintains a calm and objective attitude, telling Mrs. Michel that the violence is not her fault. She asks Mrs. Michel if she has someplace to go if she decides to leave. Mrs. Michel looks horrified and says, “I could never leave my husband. He needs me. And I could not leave the children. They adore their father; they are teenagers and do not listen to me. Besides, I have no money of my own and no job skills. I only have a little cash on hand. My husband prefers to pay all of our bills himself. Even our credit cards are in my husband’s name. My family tells me that I should keep quiet, that The outcome A few months later, Mrs. Michel is admitted to the hospital. She was severely beaten by her husband as she attempted to leave the family home. Mrs. Michel obtains a court protective order and agrees to file charges against her husband for abuse as soon as she can. Dr. Michel is arrested but soon released on bail. Mrs. Michel enters a women’s shelter and seeks help to remove herself permanently from the abusive situation. Rachel is glad that Mrs. Michel is getting help but wonders how many other women (and men) are facing the nightmare of domestic or sexual violence. Self-Assessment Quiz Question #5 If Rachel’s supervisor had interfered with her desire to report the abuse, she should have: a. Agreed not to make a report. b. Told Mrs. Michel that it was unlikely that her husband was committing abuse. c. Adhered to the law to report the abuse. d. Warned Dr. Michel that his wife was complaining of abuse. Self-Assessment Quiz Question #6 Rachel should tell Mrs. Michel all the following EXCEPT: a. Call 911 if she feels in immediate danger. b. Purchase a prepaid cell phone. c. Keep phone numbers such as the National Domestic Hotline accessible. d. Move essential documents to a safe deposit box.

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Book Code: MIL1224

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