Maryland Physical Therapy & PTA Ebook Continuing Education

Chapter 4: Musculoskeletal Assessment and Treatment for Manual Therapists 2 Contact Hours

Expiration Date : June 14, 2028 Learning outcomes

Š Recognize how to diagnosis common musculoskeletal disorders by utilizing orthopedic tests. Š Differentiate appropriate manual treatment strategies for musculoskeletal diagnoses.

After completing this course, the learner will be able to: Š Recognize orthopedic terminology utilized in the clinical setting. Š Distinguish between various manual therapy techniques. Š Identify various orthopedic tests used for differential diagnosis by manual therapists. Course overview Pain stemming from muscle, tendon, or ligament injuries often brings with it a myriad of accompanying symptoms, including weakness, restricted movement, and structural imbalances. In the realm of manual therapy, practitioners are tasked with assessing and addressing these soft tissue dysfunctions to alleviate pain and restore optimal function. This course delves into the intricate art of soft tissue differential diagnosis, equipping manual therapists with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively diagnose and treat musculoskeletal ailments. Pain due to muscle, tendon, or ligament injury is often accompanied by weakness, a loss of movement, muscular imbalances, or structural or functional distortions. Within their scope of practice, manual therapists might assess the skeletal muscles and their associated tendons; however, they may also find themselves assessing ligaments since all these tissues relate directly to the skeleton and how it moves. A manual therapist might also assist with a client’s movements by helping the client to build their strength, resisting their movements during facilitated stretches, or loosening a joint by taking it through a range of motion (ROM). However, there are times when certain techniques are contraindicated based on the condition of skeleton and related soft tissues. Certain conditions may also impair other systems of the body, such as the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to properly assess a client’s condition before beginning a course of treatment (Wedge, 2022). For injured clients seeking relief from their pain and movement dysfunctions, a quality manual therapist should seek short- and long-term solutions. This requires knowing what tissues are at fault and how. While this may seem simple and obvious (for example, pain during rotation of the neck is often due to a neck muscle dysfunction) precisely pinpointing the causes of pain and dysfunction can be more complex. While it may not always be possible to know exactly what muscles or structures are primarily at fault, there are many tests for soft tissue and joint injuries that manual therapists can conduct prior to (or even during) a course of treatment. Commonly referred to as “orthopedic tests,” these are assessments that test for skeletomuscular injuries and help sort out whether an injury is functional (muscular) or structural (skeletal) in nature. Identifying where pain and/or dysfunction is coming from helps narrow the focus of treatment and may allow the manual therapist to treat the client’s dysfunction more effectively. This is important if a dysfunction is affecting a client’s body in other ways, such as a sprain of the ankle ligaments affecting one, or even both, knees. The more a manual therapist

The course commences with an exploration of fundamental terminology and prevalent manual therapy techniques. Participants will review comprehensive orthopedic assessments covering the entire body. Course sections are structured to delve into typical tests utilized for differential diagnosis across major joints and their associated musculature. In addition, this course will provide manual therapy or stretching techniques for the positive result of a given dysfunction


understands the underlying causes of their client’s pain and dysfunctions, the greater the success in fulfilling the client’s goal to be pain-free and functional (Wedge, 2022). This level of treatment planning requires assessment skills not often taught in some manual therapy schools. Before conducting soft-tissue assessments, a knowledge of kinesiology—skeletal muscles and their actions on the skeleton—is of the utmost importance. This allows a manual therapist to assess tissues accurately and immediately in a clinical setting and requires a commitment to learning and practice (Wedge, 2022). The benefit of assessment skills are twofold: First, addressing a client’s pain and dysfunction quickly; and second, the therapist may provide psychological comfort by letting a client know why they have pain or dysfunction. While effective treatment relies on applying suitable techniques that fit the client’s goals, it is important to let a client know when their injury involves something a manual therapist can only treat minimally at best, such as a meniscus tear. Understand that manual therapy itself can be a contraindication if poorly thought out or not guided by a physician or doctor of physical therapy. Improper treatment plans can be ineffective for the client at the least, and at worst increase the pain or dysfunction (Wedge, 2022). The assessment tests provided in this course are commonly used by physicians and doctors of physical therapy but can be used by any manual therapist. They will help narrow the focus of treatment and identify the source or sources of pain or dysfunction and whether those dysfunctions are structural or functional in nature. Keep in mind that although any therapist who does not hold a medical degree cannot diagnose, these tests can help them determine what they can and cannot treat as well as advise a client when a referral to another health practitioner is appropriate. This course is designed to help manual therapists gain insight into the value of assessments during the course of treatment planning as well as assessing clients post-treatment.

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