25. Pain related to adhesive capsulitis is generally described as _________, and its location is _________. a. Sharp; typically anterior. b. Sharp; poorly localized. c. A dull ache; anterior. d. A dull ache; poorly localized. 26. Which of the following is true when differentiating shoulder adhesive capsulitis from rotator cuff pathology? a. With rotator cuff pathology, passive range of motion is preserved, while loss of passive range of motion is a cardinal finding in adhesive capsulitis. b. Focal tenderness is common with rotator cuff pathology but not with adhesive capsulitis. c. There is often a history of repetitive overuse of the shoulder with rotator cuff pathology but not with adhesive capsulitis. d. All of the above are true. 27. The loss of which upper extremity reflex is highly specific for neck pathology? a. Biceps. b. Triceps. c. Brachioradialis. d. Supinator. 28. Mechanical loading has a strong influence on the onset of impingement symptoms. Specifically, this entails loading in what shoulder position? a. Across the body (horizontal adduction). b. Elevation. c. Internal rotation. d. Behind the back. 29. The cross-body abduction stress test, which involves passively bringing the patient’s shoulder into 90 degrees of forward flexion with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees followed by passively horizontally abducting the arm across the patient’s body, is used to detect: a. Glenohumeral joint arthritis. b. Subacromial impingement. c. Acromioclavicular joint involvement. d. Rotator cuff tear. 30. With differential diagnosis for subacromial impingement, pain with resistance is typically present for which motions?
16. Both the shoulder and the heart are innervated by the _________ spinal segments, which is why heart problems can cause shoulder pain. a. C3–C4. b. C4–C5. c. C5–C6. d. C6–C7. 17. Which of the following are true regarding shoulder pain related to angina? a. It often starts 3 to 5 minutes after activity is initiated. b. It is unaffected by the position of the shoulder. c. Women report left arm pain related to angina more than men. d. All of the above. 18. Gastrointestinal problems can cause ipsilateral pain if they irritate the: a. Diaphragm. b. Esophagus. c. Vena cava. d. Gallbladder. 19. One of the most common sites of breast cancer metastasis is the: 20. Shoulder pain that is worse two to four hours after taking an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) is suggestive of: a. Pericarditis. b. Gallbladder disease. c. Pneumonia. d. GI (gastrointestinal) bleeding. 21. The primary risk factor for infectious causes of shoulder pain is: a. History of cancer. b. Immunosuppression. c. Fever. d. Mononucleosis. 22. The percentage of people who test positive for a specific disease among a group of people who have the disorder is called: a. Lung. b. Bone. c. Stomach. d. Liver. c. Positive predictive value. d. Positive likelihood ratio. 23. The most specific symptom that can differentiate arm pain caused by cervical radiculopathy from arm pain caused by shoulder-related problems is: a. Arm pain beyond the elbow. b. Arm pain limited to above the elbow. c. Arm pain made worse by cervical extension. d. Arm pain made worse with shoulder flexion. 24. Weakness with elbow flexion and wrist extension is associated with which cervical myotome? a. Sensitivity. b. Specificity.
a. Shoulder adduction and external rotation. b. Shoulder extension and external rotation. c. Shoulder abduction and external rotation. d. Shoulder extension and adduction.
31. The painful arc is positive if pain is experienced by the patient between ___ and ___ degrees of shoulder elevation.
a. 60; 120. b. 90; 180.
c. 45; 90. d. 30; 90. 32. A superior rotator cuff tear involves which tendon? a. Biceps. b. Supraspinatus. c. Infraspinatus. d. Subscapularis. 33. Which of the following special tests for the rotator cuff is used to isolate the supraspinatus? a. Jobe test. b. Hornblower’s sign. c. Belly press test. d. External rotation lage sign.
a. C4. b. C5. c. C6. d. C7.
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