Maryland Physical Therapy & PTA Ebook Continuing Education



5. The correct answer is d. Rationale: Throwing a baseball creates excess valgus stress along the medial aspect of the elbow. Valgus force at the elbow creates tensile stress on the medial structures of the elbow (medial epicondyle, medial epicondylar apophysis, and ulnar collateral ligament). Injury to any of these structures is included under the umbrella term little league elbow. 6. The correct answer is c. Rationale: Elbow impingement involves impingement of the posterlolateral plica in the radiocapitellar joint, which can Rationale: Colles fractures involve the distal radius and are typically the result of falling on an outstretched hand with the wrist in flexion. 8. The correct answer is b. Rationale: The median nerve provides sensation to the lateral palm, palmar aspect of the lateral three and a half fingers, and dorsal aspect of the lateral three and a half fingers distal to the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. The radial nerve provides sensation to the lateral dorsum of the hand, dorsal thumb, and dorsal proximal aspect of the second to fourth digits. The musculocuteous nerve does not supply sensory innervation to the hand. create the listed symptoms. 7. The correct answer is c.

1. The correct answer is c. Rationale: Both the heart and shoulder are innervated by C5–C6 spinal segments. 2. The correct answer is a. Rationale: For the Spurling test, the assessing clinician side bends the client’s head toward the affected side then applies a compressive force downward from the top of the head. The test is positive if the client’s symptoms are reproduced. This test can be used to help differentiate whether upper extremity symptoms have a cervical origin (Flynn et al., 2008). 3. The correct answer is c. Rationale: Although all motions of the shoulder are usually limited as frozen shoulder progresses, external rotation is the motion that is often affected first. 4. The correct answer is c. Rationale: Pain with resistance to shoulder abduction and with external rotation are key for diagnosing shoulder impingement syndrome. Weakness is often noted in these same movements, as well as internal rotation.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS FOR SHOULDER AND UPPER EXTREMITY Final Examination Questions Select the best answer for each question and complete your test online at

13. Which of the following clinical presentations is a warning that there may be a systemic cause of symptoms? a. Relief of symptoms with positional changes. b. Symptoms relieved by rest. c. Symptoms not relieved by rest or a change in position. d. Sudden onset of symptoms. 14. Night pain is a red flag warning indicating the possible presence of: a. Fracture. b. Radiculopathy. c. Tumor or infection. d. Heart failure. 15. Shoulder pain that is relieved by lying on the affected side may indicate involvement of which system? a. Musculoskeletal. b. Pulmonary. c. Cardiovascular. d. Renal.

11. Which of the following is true regarding reasons that differential diagnosis of shoulder pain can be difficult? a. Many clinical tests have shown unacceptable levels of reliability and validity. b. Radiological images are subject to a high level of incidental findings. c. Shoulder pain can originate from many systemic and visceral sources. d. All of the above are true. 12. Which of the following is a true statement regarding red and yellow flags? a. The presence of a single yellow or red flag is often not cause for immediate medical attention. b. Both red and yellow flags necessitate immediate medical attention. c. Yellow flags may indicate risk for a serious disorder, while red flags are cautionary. d. The incidence and prevalence of red and yellow flags for the shoulder are well known.

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