172. Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor for medial tibial stress syndrome? a. Increased body mass. b. Male gender. c. Female gender. d. Increased navicular drop (subtalar joint pronation). 173. The pain with medial tibial stress syndrome is usually: a. Present along the anterior aspect of the tibia. b. Present in the proximal one-fourth of the tibia. c. Caused by inflammation of the medial soleus muscle. d. Present along the distal 1/3 of the tibia. 174. Manual muscle testing for the posterior tibialis is typically completed by resisting: a. Ankle inversion with the foot in plantarflexion. b. Ankle eversion with the foot in plantarflexion. c. Ankle inversion with the foot in dorsiflexion. d. Ankle eversion with the foot in dorsiflexion. 175. Which biomechanical factor correlates with development of medial tibial stress syndrome? a. Under-pronation. b. Over-pronation. c. Short leg with leg length discrepancy. d. Tight hamstrings. 176. Which of the following is NOT associated with increased pronation? c. Navicular test measurement greater than 10 mm. d. Navicular test measurement less than 5 mm. 177. Which foot strike pattern during running is associated with an increased likelihood of injury? a. Rearfoot varus. b. Forefoot varus. a. There is limited evidence to show that any specific foot strike pattern leads to an increased likelihood of injury. b. Forefoot strike pattern. c. Midfoot strike pattern. d. Rearfoot strike pattern. 178. Which lower leg compartment is most susceptible to chronic exertional compartment syndrome? a. Superficial posterior compartment. b. Deep posterior compartment. c. Anterior compartment. d. Lateral compartment. 179. Which of the following exercises would provide the least amount of stress to the Achilles tendon for a patient with unilateral Achilles tendinopathy that is highly tender? a. Bilateral Isometric heel raise hold. b. Unilateral isometric heel raise hold. c. Isotonic heel raises. d. Plyometrics. 180. Which of the following is considered a possible cause of chronic exertional compartment syndrome? a. Muscle atrophy. b. Muscle hypertrophy. c. Compliant fascia. d. Increased venous return.
163. Where is tenderness typically found with palpation in runners with plantar fasciitis? a. Medial proximal metatarsal heads. b. Lateral proximal metatarsal heads. c. Medial tubercle of the calcaneus. d. Lateral tubercle of the calcaneus. 164. Which of the following is NOT a function of the plantar fascia? a. Support the longitudinal arch of the foot. b. Support the transmetatarsal arch of the foot. c. Stabilize the metatarsal heads during propulsion. d. Assist with force absorption during the loading phase of gait. 165. The windlass mechanism refers to the tightening of the plantar fascia that occurs when the: 166. Strengthening of which two muscles supports windlass mechanism function such that strengthening them can take stress off the plantar fascia? a. Gastrocnemius and soleus. b. Peroneus longus and brevis. c. Flexor hallucis longus and extensor hallucis longus. d. Tibialis anterior and posterior. 167. Pain with first steps in the morning is a hallmark sign of which condition? a. Iliotibial band syndrome. b. Patellofemoral pain. c. Achilles tendinopathy. d. Plantar fasciitis. 168. The test that is positive if the amount of tenderness at the injury site is significantly decreased or disappears when the Achilles tendon is under tension in the position of maximum dorsiflexion is: a. The windlass test. b. The Royal London Hospital test. c. The impingement test. d. Ober’s test. a. Ankle is plantarflexed. b. Ankle is dorsiflexed. c. Great toe is flexed. d. Great toe is extended. 169. Two biomechanical factors that have been shown to increase the risk of developing Achilles tendinopathy are the amount of rearfoot eversion that occurs from initial contact of the foot with the ground to maximum eversion during stance phase and: a. Inversion angle of the tibia relative to the ground. b. Great toe extension range of motion at propulsion. c. The amount of dorsiflexion at initial contact. d. The amount of knee flexion at midstance. 170. The Galeazzi test—in which the client lies supine, the hips are passively flexed to 45 degrees, the knees are flexed to 90 degrees, the medial malleoli are placed together ,and the examiner compares the levels of the tibias and femurs—is used to assess for: a. Iliotibal band tightness. b. Genu varus/valgus. c. Leg length discrepancy. d. Hip anteversion 171. The most recommended form of conservative management of Achilles tendinitis is: a. Gastroc-soleus stretching.
b. Concentric loading of the Achilles tendon. c. Eccentric loading of the Achilles tendon. d. Mobilization to the talocrural joint.
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