South Carolina Funeral Ebook Continuing Education

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SOUTH CAROLINA Funeral Continuing Education

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Chapter 1: Military and Line of Duty Funeral Services


[3 Contact Hours] When a member of the Military is killed in action, the death can be a tragic and devastating loss for the family, the comrades, the friends, and the country. When a member of law enforcement, fire service, or emergency medical service is killed in the line of duty, the tragic loss is felt by the family, the professional family, and the community who was served. The funeral service for a person killed in action or in the line of duty can be more detailed and complex than other funeral arrangements. This course is designed to aid funeral directors in understanding many of the honors and traditions used in these types of services. The content of this course will include the origin and symbolism of many funeral honors observed, discuss the detailed planning required to properly arrange these types of services, and serve in preparing directors to serve the ones affected by Military and Line of Duty Deaths.

Chapter 2: Trends in the Funeral Industry


[3 Contact Hours] This level course will bring funeral professionals up to speed on current trends in the funeral industry, with an emphasis on green funerals, cremation, and burial practices. The course also covers the benefits of using social media for marketing, ways to meet increased client demand for pet funeral services, and OSHA and NFDA guidelines for formaldehyde use.

Final Examination Answer Sheet


©2024: All Rights Reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission or consent of Colibri Healthcare, LLC. The materials presented in this course are meant to provide the consumer with general information on the topics covered. The information provided was prepared by professionals with practical knowledge in the areas covered. It is not meant to provide medical, legal or professional services advice. Colibri Healthcare, LLC recommends that you consult a medical, legal or professional services expert licensed in your state. Colibri Healthcare, LLC has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all content provided in this course is accurate and up to date at the time of printing, but does not represent or warrant that it will apply to your situation or circumstances and assumes no liability from reliance on these materials.



Book code: FSC0624

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Chapter 1: Military and Line of Duty Funeral Services

Chapter 2: Trends in the Funeral Industry Best Value - Save $11.95 - All 6 Hours

How do I complete this course and receive my certificate of completion? See the inside front cover for step by step instructions to complete and receive your certificate. Are you a South Carolina board-approved provider? Colibri Healthcare, LLC’s courses are approved by the South Carolina Board of Funeral Service (Provider #50-4007). Are my hours reported to the South Carolina board? Yes, we report your hours electronically to CEBroker within one business day. What information do I need to provide for course completion and certificate issuance? Please provide your license number on the test sheet to receive course credit. Your state may require additional information such as date of birth and/or last 4 of Social Security number; please provide these, if applicable. Is my information secure? Yes! We use SSL encryption, and we never share your information with third-parties. We are also rated A+ by the National Better Business Bureau. What if I still have questions? What are your business hours? No problem, we have several options for you to choose from! Online at Funeral you will see our robust FAQ section that answers many of your questions, simply click FAQs at the top of the page, e-mail us at, or call us toll free at 1-888-857-6920, Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, EST. Important information for licensees: Always check your state’s board website to determine the number of hours required for renewal, mandatory topics (as these are subject to change), and the amount that may be completed through home-study. Also, make sure that you notify the board of any changes of address. It is important that your most current address is on file .

Licensing board contact information: South Carolina Board of Funeral Service 110 Centerview Drive I Columbia, SC 29210 I Phone: (803) 896-4497 Website:


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All 6 hours in this correspondence book Military and Line of Duty Funeral Services







Trends in the Funeral Industry




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Book code: FSC0624

Chapter 1: Military and Line of Duty Funeral Services 3 CE Hours

Course overview When a member of the Military is killed in action, the death can be a tragic and devastating loss for the family, the comrades, the friends, and the country. When a member of law enforcement, fire service, or emergency medical service is killed in the line of duty, the tragic loss is felt by the family, the professional family, and the community who was served. The funeral service for a person killed in action or in the line of duty can be more detailed and complex than other funeral arrangements. This course is Learning objectives After completing this course, the learner will be able to: Š Differentiate between the honors that may be available for Military personnel killed in action or as a veteran of the Armed Forces. Š Interpret the definition and meaning of Line of Duty Deaths (LODD) and the role of funeral directors in the services following a LODD. Implicit bias in healthcare Implicit bias significantly affects how healthcare professionals perceive and make treatment decisions, ultimately resulting in disparities in health outcomes. These biases, often unconscious and unintentional, can shape behavior and produce differences in medical care along various lines, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, and socioeconomic status. Healthcare disparities stemming from implicit bias can manifest in several ways. For example, a healthcare provider might unconsciously give less attention to a patient or make assumptions about their medical needs based on race, gender, or age. The unconscious assumptions can lead to delayed or inadequate care, misdiagnoses, or inappropriate treatments, all of which can adversely impact health outcomes. Addressing Introduction Men and women selflessly place themselves in harm’s way and in dangerous situations to serve and protect others every day. Those honorably serving in the armed forces protect lives, property, and the way of life for men, women, and children all over the world. There are brave individuals domestically who are members of agencies, departments, and organizations that serve in law enforcement, fire and rescue service, emergency medical service, and other areas. A common denominator for all these sectors of service is the inherent danger the men and women voluntarily place themselves in to protect lives, property,

designed to aid funeral directors in understanding many of the honors and traditions used in these types of services. The content of this course will include the origin and symbolism of many funeral honors observed, discuss the detailed planning required to properly arrange these types of services, and serve in preparing directors to serve the ones affected by Military and Line of Duty Deaths. Š Identify the symbolism and origin of many of the honors used in military, law enforcement, fire, and other public servant funerals. Š Recognize the importance of detailed planning, organization, and communication in preparing for a military or LODD service. Š Develop basic procedures and practices for assisting agencies, departments, and organizations who experience a LODD. implicit bias in healthcare is crucial for achieving equity in medical treatment. Strategies to combat these biases involve education and awareness programs for healthcare professionals. These programs help individuals recognize and acknowledge their biases, fostering a more empathetic and unbiased approach to patient care. Additionally, implementing policies and procedures prioritizing equitable treatment for all patients can play a pivotal role in reducing healthcare disparities. Ultimately, confronting implicit bias in healthcare is essential to creating a more just and equitable healthcare system where everyone receives fair and equal treatment regardless of their background or characteristics. and freedom. When one of these brave men and women pays the ultimate sacrifice and dies in the line of duty, people employ many traditions and honors to respect their memory. Often, society bestows many of these same traditions and honors upon members of these communities who are retired from service or otherwise pass away while off duty. This course will describe many of the common practices and traditions of services for military service members and Line of Duty Deaths (LODD), as well as ways in which funeral directors can be best prepared to serve in these types of services.


These honors are deeply rooted in traditions of military burials and have been adapted and modified for many law enforcement agencies and fire departments. Military honors have been used to honor the memory of the dead since the first armies lost soldiers in battle (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Unknown). The honors that are rendered at a military funeral, and thus a Line of Duty Death service, are quite symbolic. For example, there are traditionally six pallbearers that bear the casket to the grave. Many believe that this tradition began from the death of an eight-member squad of soldiers. The other remaining seven members of the squad were often the closest association of the one whom had died; therefore, they would perform the burial detail. With seven being an uneven number of soldiers bearing the casket, the squad leader or

As is the case with many traditions and practices of mankind, the true root or origin is not always clear. This principle applies to the traditions and customs of honors that are used in funeral services for military, law enforcement, fire service, and other organizations. Many of the honors used in services for fallen law enforcement officers and fire service personnel originate from those used for the military. When tracing the roots of the military, one can often discover more than one origin. The primary presence in almost any service with honors is the honor guard. The honor guard who performs the honors is normally from the same branch of military service or sector of public service as the deceased. The primary duty of honor guards, when participating in funeral or memorial services, is to render the final honors for the fallen soldier, officer, or firefighter.

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it indicates that “The Union Never Hides” (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Unknown). The member of the honor guard who completes the final fold of the flag renders a hand salute. Personal salutes, or hand salutes, were a prevailing practice in earlier times to ensure that a person saluting was placing himself in an unarmed position, showing respect and trust to the person being saluted. The final salute is to the fallen service member. The presenting officer, or presenting honor guard member, then salutes the family member to which he or she has just presented the flag. This salute is to recognize the family member’s sacrifice in support of their loved one’s service (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Unknown). Most have heard “Taps” being played for a military funeral, either in person or on a movie. “Taps” dates as far back as 1862 when it was a revision of an existing Civil War bugle call. At that time, it was used to notify the soldiers that it was time to extinguish the lights, the end of the soldiers’ day. When soldiers heard “Taps” played at night, they knew that everything was safe and secure. It is unclear as to the origin of the word Taps . It may be derived from the Dutch word for tattoo , which is taptoe . The more likely origin is from three drum taps that were played to signal that it was time for the lights to be extinguished. “Taps” was first used for a funeral in the same year for tactical reasons in place of a rifle salute. The U.S. Army Infantry drill regulations mandated the use of “Taps” at military funerals in 1891. The symbolism in today’s funerals is to indicate that the fallen comrade has been laid to rest (Joint Service Honors Command, 2010). Caissons are not seen as often in a military funeral as is the flag, rifle salute, and playing of “Taps.” A caisson used in a military funeral is pulled by horses who are saddled, but only the horses on the left have riders. This custom is believed to have evolved from when horse-drawn caissons were used to move artillery ammunition and cannons. It was the riderless horse that carried the provisions. The “caparisoned horse” is a single riderless horse that follows the caisson with boots reversed in the stirrups. This is in reference to its ornamental coverings, which have a detailed protocol all to itself. Traditionally, a caparisoned horse follows the casket of an Army or Marine Corps Officer who was ranked as a Colonel or above. The President of the United States may also receive this honor as having been the nation’s Commander in Chief. This tradition of the caparisoned horse is believed to have come from the time of Genghis Khan. When a warrior would fall in battle during that time, warriors would often sacrifice the horse to serve the fallen warrior in the afterlife. The more recent meaning symbolizes a rider who will ride no more. The first U.S. President to be honored with a caparisoned horse was Abraham Lincoln when he was killed in 1865 (Joint Service Honors Command, 2010). The playing of bagpipes is another tradition often witnessed in military, law enforcement, fire service, and civilian funeral services. Bagpipers have commemorated the loss of loved ones at funeral services for hundreds of years. The English, Irish, and Scottish originally used the bagpipes to inflame the passion of soldiers prior to entering into battle and also in an attempt to terrify enemies with the strange wailing notes (Weissberg, 2011).

highest-ranking member of the squad would act as an escort for the detail. There are still six pallbearers used today to represent the comrades-in-arm left behind after a death (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Unknown). Rifle salutes are another traditional and prominent aspect of military and law enforcement services. People often mistakenly refer to these salutes as a twenty-one-gun salute, when it is actually a rifle salute. A twenty-one-gun salute is believed to trace back to the Anglo-Saxon Empire when twenty-one guns constituted a recognized naval salute. This was because most naval vessels of that time had only seven guns. At that time, it was much easier to store gun powder on land than it was on ships at sea. Therefore, guns on land could fire three shots for every one shot that a ship at sea could fire. As developments in storage allowed people to store more gun powder on ships at sea, naval ships began to use twenty-one guns. The United States originally used one shot for each of the twenty-one states in 1818. As the number of states increased, the number was returned to twenty-one in 1841. In 1875, the United States formally adopted the twenty-one-gun salute at the suggestion of the British (Joint Service Honors Command, 2010). The three volley rifle salutes that are most common at services date back to the Napoleonic Wars. These wars were fought at a time when both sides of the battle observed rules. There was a practice of ceasing the battle to allow both sides time to clear their dead and wounded from the battlefield. When each side had gathered all of their dead and injured soldiers, they would fire a volley of three shots to signal they were ready to resume the battle. The seven-person firing party is representative of the seven remaining members of the squad. Just as the opposing sides of a battle would fire three shots to signify that their dead and wounded had been cared for, the volley of three shots is to signify that a comrade-in-arms has been taken care of (Weissberg, 2011). A flag-draped casket is widely viewed as a symbol of respect for the deceased and is symbolic of his or her service to their country. Both the flag-draped casket and the way in which the flag is folded has historical roots and symbolic significance. When a flag is draped over a casket, it is to symbolize honorable service and mourning. The tradition of draping a casket or a body also goes back to the Napoleonic Wars, when soldiers covered the dead with a flag and removed them from the battlefield on a caisson. The blue field of the flag is to always be placed at the head of the casket over the left shoulder of the deceased. Folding of the flag at a funeral is to show the “retiring of colors,” a ceremony that people observe at the end of each day of duty or at the conclusion of a ceremony. The way in which the flag is folded is also steeped in tradition and symbolism. When the pallbearers or honor guard lift the flag and hold it above the casket, they are recognizing the passing of life. When properly folded, there will be thirteen folds, with each fold having a symbolic meaning. The triangular shape of the folded flag represents the triangular-shaped hats that the country’s forefathers wore during the Revolutionary War. The blue field that is visible when the flag is folded is known as the “Union.” The Union is representative of the country’s history and courage;


conferees agree that men and women, who have served honorably, whether in war or peace, deserve commemoration for their military service at the time of their death by an appropriate tribute. Burial honors are an important means of reminding Americans of the sacrifices endured to keep the Nation free,” (Torreon, 2015).

Those who serve, or have served, in the United States Military are typically eligible for certain benefits and honors upon their death. Some of these benefits may also be available for their spouse and dependent children. The National Defense Authorization Act set the requirements for funeral honors and mandated funeral honors at services for all eligible veterans of the U.S. Military. The following statement can be found in the Storm Thurmond National Defense Authorization: “The

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Eligibility It is the responsibility of the Department of Defense (DOD) to provide military honors to eligible veterans. The eligibility includes military personnel on active duty, former military members who served on active duty and were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, members of the Selected Reserve, former members of the Selected Reserve who served at least one term of enlistment or period of initial obligated service and were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, and former members of the Selected Reserve who were discharged due to a service related disability (Torreon, 2015). The veterans of the military who are ineligible are those convicted of a capital offense or when the circumstances involved would bring discredit upon the person’s service or Military funeral honors Most funeral directors are familiar with the military honors that veterans can receive at a funeral, graveside, or memorial service. There are normally varying honors that may be available for the services of veterans, depending upon their length of service, rank, and the availability of an honors team. The Department of Defense defines military funeral honors as “the ceremonial paying of respect and the final demonstration of the country’s gratitude to those who, in times of war and peace, have faithfully defended our nation.” Members of the funeral honors detail fold and present the American flag to the veteran’s survivor and “Taps” is sounded (Torreon, 2015). Arlington National Cemetery Scheduling services for a veteran at Arlington National Cemetery can be different from many other traditional and national cemeteries, such as the wait time before availability for a service. The honors performed for veterans interred or inurned at Arlington National Cemetery can be different, as well. The honors afforded to veterans at Arlington are according to rank. While all who are eligible may request a military chaplain to preside over the service, standard honors and a firing party are available to enlisted personnel, as well as all who are eligible for inurnment in the columbarium. Veterans who are commissioned officers or warrant officers are eligible for standard honors, a firing party, a caisson, and escort troops. The exception to these is any service members who dies from wounds received as a result of enemy actions and are being interred, inurned, or memorialized at Arlington National Cemetery, all of whom are eligible for full military funeral honors (Torreon, 2015). Active Duty Services When a member of the military is killed, or otherwise passes away while on active duty, the service will typically be more involved as compared to the service for a veteran. When a member of the armed forces passes away while serving on active duty, the Department of Defense begins the necessary preparations to return the fallen service member to their family as quickly as possible. Military personnel in full dress uniform who have a rank equal to or higher than that of the deceased notify the family of the deceased in person. However, rank has no bearing as to the utmost level of respect the body of the deceased is shown in being prepared and returned to family (Mertes, 2018). When a member of the military dies while deployed overseas, the body is packed in ice inside of an aluminum case draped by an American flag. The body is transported by a military cargo plane to Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware. Upon arrival, the plane is met by a hearse used to transfer the body to the nearby Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations Center. Any family members, the carry guard, chaplain, VIPs, or journalists are able to walk behind the hearse to the Operations Center. The policy was changed in 2009, allowing arrivals of the deceased to Dover

former service. Veterans who were discharged from the military under dishonorable conditions are also ineligible for military funeral honors. The conditions included are dishonorable discharge, bad conduct discharge, dismissal from the service by court-martial, and other than honorable conditions discharge. The same conditions that consider a veteran ineligible to military funeral honors also prohibit the veteran from interment at a national cemetery. The language of this law was expanded through Congress in 1997, in large part to prevent the Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery when he was executed in 2001 (Torreon, 2015). Funeral honors are composed of a minimum detail of two members of the Armed Forces. One member of the detail is to be a member of the veteran’s military service. For example, if the veteran was a member of the Army, there may be an honor guard detail with one member of the Army and one member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. The honors detail may also include veterans who volunteer to serve in this capacity. These veteran volunteers are members of veterans’ service organizations such as the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and other appropriate organizations. The playing of “Taps” may be by a live bugler, by recording, or by the use of a ceremonial bugle that contains a device in the bell of the bugle which plays a recorded version of “Taps” (Torreon, 2015). Air Force Base to be open to the public. However, this only applies to those who have the approval of the next of kin of the deceased (Mertes, 2018). The Mortuary Affairs personnel will completely prepare the remains for burial, including dressing the body in a full dress uniform. Personnel arrange a direct flight by the military (or a military contracted flight) to transfer the deceased to the closest airport in relation to the place of burial, including small airports. The law requires that the deceased be accompanied by a military escort. However, the family may request that a commercial flight be used and/or an escort does not attend the flight. The body is contained in an aluminum case for the transfer flight, but with a special “honor” cover on the air tray. The honor cover has the Defense Department seal on each end and is embossed with an American flag. Upon arrival at the final destination, the cover of the air tray is to be removed and the aluminum coffin is to be draped with a flag (Mertes, 2018). For all active duty deaths, a small honor guard will be on hand at the airport of final destination. This honor guard will consist of at least one uniformed member of the military along with the military escort (Mertes, 2018). Many airports and airlines will now allow families to meet the flight on the tarmac, along with personnel from the funeral home arranging the services. Local police agencies will often provide escorts from the airport to the funeral home. Other groups such as the Patriot Guard are often willing and able to participate in processions from the airport, as well. The official duties of the military escort end upon arrival of the deceased to the funeral home. Even though the escort is not required to remain for the services, they frequently will. The escort, or other members of the military, will likely accompany the family to the funeral home for the arrangements and assist the director with all the details in arranging for honors and other military participation in the services. It is important for the director to communicate with any representative of the military that helps in coordinating military involvement to ensure every aspect of the service is prepared for accordingly (Mertes, 2018).

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This must be considered by all involved, as the family members are the final decision makers. Members of any of the agencies and organizations typically share a close and fraternal bond. This bond can be expressed in widely used expressions common to law enforcement and the fire service. As an example, a commonly used expression for law enforcement is “brothers and sisters in blue,” while one often used in the fire service is “my brother’s keeper.” Both expressions lend insight into the familiar bond members of these organizations share. When a colleague passes away, people utilize many traditions and customs to show respect while honoring that person’s memory. These traditions and customs vary between agencies and groups, while many remain the same. Subsequent sections will explore practices specific to law enforcement, the fire service, and other organizations. When a member of one these organizations is killed or passes away, the fellow members of the organization will most commonly rally around the surviving family members. Families of fellow officers, personnel from other agencies, and citizens from the community will often stand ready to assist and support the family of the fallen hero. Many departments and agencies will have written policies and procedures to be followed for the services after a Line of Duty Death. There will normally be written protocols to be followed by larger departments, and those who have experienced Line of Duty Deaths in the past. Many smaller law enforcement agencies and fire departments do not have formal policies in place. These departments will often have limited or no experience in these types of services. A funeral director with a working knowledge of the common traditions and honors can be an incredible asset to a grieving family, a department, and a community. When a funeral director is notified of a death and asked to handle the service, it is of utmost importance for the director to be aware of the procedures and policies the department may have in place. A director who has a firm base of knowledge of the most common procedures will be prepared to follow the procedures that a department has established. A director prepared in this way will likewise be a tremendous resource to departments and agencies who do not have written procedures to follow or experience in Line of Duty Deaths. following a Line of Duty Death. These services will require multiple members of the staff from the funeral home working together closely with various members of the agency or organization. It is critical in the beginning stages of preparing for a Line of Duty Death service, to establish an effective channel of communication among the members of the funeral home staff. The officials and members of the organization work in a structure similar to military structures. This typically includes a chain of command that is closely followed, with tasks and duties delegated to the responsible individual(s). Many funeral homes are not accustomed to operating in this fashion; however, it is important to establish a plan of how communication and delegation will be handled. For example, if multiple members of the agency were to be communicating with multiple members of the funeral home staff concerning some of the same details, there is a considerable chance of conflicting instructions being delivered. By a funeral home deciding upon and/or appointing one primary point of contact for the cooperating organization, personnel can avoid many confusing and conflicting details. It will certainly require the efforts of more than a single director or one member of the staff to successfully serve the family and organization. Each staff member involved should communicate the details and responsibilities to the lead director, while also receiving details and responsibilities through that one person. This designation should be made clear to the staff of the funeral home that will be involved, as well as to the point(s) of contact

Public servants protect and serve citizens in frequent dangerous and hazardous situations. Personnel who work tirelessly to serve others include law enforcement, fire rescue, emergency medical, and others. The situations and scenarios these servants voluntarily place themselves in all too often have fatal consequences. When one of these brave men and women honorably makes the ultimate sacrifice, it is considered a Line of Duty Death (LODD). Various agencies and organizations define and clarify the scenarios that characterize a Line of Duty Death differently. However, generally, a death while serving in an official capacity within these organizations is considered a Line of Duty Death. However, a manner of death in some other circumstances, while off duty, may also be considered a Line of Duty Death. There are also many honors and traditions that are presented at the service of a retired or past member of these organizations. Arranging, coordinating, and directing a service for a Line of Duty Death requires compassion, understanding, and expertise. A funeral director serving a family, an agency, and a community in this type of service must be prepared to properly serve all involved and affected. This will mean having compassion for the survivors – both family and fellow members of the agency. A director must consider all the emotions that will be involved in preparing for a Line of Duty Death service. Some of these emotions will be healthy and helpful for those involved, while others will not. The director must be acutely attuned to the needs of the family and the agency of the deceased. The surviving family always makes the final decision regarding arrangements. While most family members will welcome the assistance of the agency and are proud for their loved one to receive the honors performed by their loves one’s comrades some do not. This may be due to religious beliefs that prohibit some, or all, of the customs and traditions. There may be situations in which the family possesses ill will or even hostility toward the agency their loved one was a member of. Careers in law enforcement, fire service, and other areas of public service often require sacrifice in one’s personal life. Some families may resent the fact that this sacrifice was made. Some family members may, on some level, blame the agency and/or members of the organization for the death of their loved one. First call The practices of departments will begin almost immediately upon the injury or death of a member of their agency or department. In more metropolitan areas, and when trauma or a crime is involved in the death, the decedent will likely be transported to the office of the medical examiner or coroner. Regardless whether the deceased officially expired at a scene, in a hospital, or elsewhere, the body will normally be escorted to the morgue or place of inquest by fellow members of the department. The escort may be by a formal honor guard or fellow members of the organization. Once the body has arrived at the morgue, one or more designated escorts will likely remain at the facility until which time the body is moved to the next location, such as the funeral home. There may be one or more persons that remain at the morgue facility, or they may rotate at intervals. For many departments, this vigil of standing guard is a traditional honor of respect to both fire service and law enforcement personnel. In cases when the decedent has been in the hospital for a period prior to death, the same practice will normally be held with fellow personnel standing guard. In instances in which the funeral home can take the decedent into their care from the place of death, coordination of the escorts will need to be considered. The coordination and cooperation between the funeral home personnel and the agency which the deceased was a member of will need to begin immediately upon the first call notification. There will be many moving parts and considerable planning will prove to be crucial in arranging and directing the services

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considered. Any information given out in a high-profile service, such as a Line of Duty Death, could be mentioned or quoted in the news. No member of the funeral home staff should release any information that has not been cleared to be released. When in doubt in any way, the staff should take a message or direct the caller to the appropriate person. Most organizations have a public relations officer or someone who is responsible for communicating with media and responding to other inquires. The funeral home staff should have the contact information for the public relations officer in order to readily relay it to the media and other organizations. nearly all municipalities and agencies between the medical examiner’s office and the funeral home stopped traffic and paid respects as the procession passed. Patrol units on the freeways provided a rolling block of traffic, enabling the funeral coach and escorting officers to be unimpeded en route to the funeral home. Immediately upon arrival back at the funeral home, personnel were waiting to open a garage door for the funeral coach to enter, and then closed it again. It was important for the funeral home staff to communicate with one another, just as the various law enforcement personnel did. There was media presence in the parking lot of the funeral home, and at least one media helicopter that followed the procession from above. It is important in these types of situations to remember that family, friends, and others may be watching this coverage through the media. Immediately upon arrival of the deceased to the funeral home, many agencies and organizations will continue the tradition of remaining at the funeral home while the deceased is there. It is a good practice for the funeral home to have a room prepared and designated for the colleagues of the deceased to gather and stand vigil in. The owner or manager of the funeral home must decide if the personnel will be allowed to remain at or within the funeral home around the clock. If this courtesy is requested and allowed, the ones remaining outside of regular business hours must have access to come and go from the funeral home as needed. Additionally, the designated room which the funeral home provides should include a comfortable place for those to gather, as well as access to necessary facilities. It is important to remember that many of those who will be standing vigil are also grieving the loss of a friend and colleague, and thus should be treated as family would be treated. Especially when tragic circumstances take place, an outpouring of support from within the agency and the general public can be expected. This may include food and drinks being delivered to the funeral home for the personnel standing vigil and the ones coming to pay their respects. Considerations should be given to providing an adequate place for these items to be properly stored and to be made available to the personnel. the funeral home coordinate with the appropriate individual in the organization. The funeral coordinator does not, in any way, take the place of the funeral director. This individual will be responsible for the overall coordination of the involvement of the agency or department in the planning and participation of the funeral. This person will work closely with the funeral director in charge of the service and with the other key leaders in preparing for the service (Silloway, 2011). The family liaison officer (FLO) will be the primary channel of communication and interaction between the family and the agency. With the permission of the family, the FLO will remain with the family throughout the arrangement process, visitations, and services (Silloway, 2011).

within the organization or agency being served. The details and information being communicated is not limited to funeral home staff members and agency personnel. Many calls will come into the funeral home when the firm has been designated to arrange the services. These calls will be from media outlets, other agencies, and general community members. It is important that one person be designated to control the flow of information to ensure accuracy. The primary funeral director in charge of the service will likely be very busy with planning meetings, and should consider designating a person to oversee communications. Any comment made by funeral home staff members or details relayed should be carefully weighed and Removal The first call and removal by funeral home or mortuary staff will normally require much more coordination than a typical first call and removal. The department of the deceased will likely continue the tradition of remaining with the deceased until the time of final disposition. This may include an escort for the removal personnel from the funeral home to the place where the deceased will come into the care of the funeral home. Even more likely will be for an escort of the removal vehicle transporting the deceased back to the funeral home. A funeral home should take into consideration the attention the removal may receive in the public view and in the media. Firms who typically use removal vehicles, such as minivans or cargo vans, may consider selecting the use of a funeral coach for a removal such as this. When law enforcement officers are killed in the line of duty, there will normally be an escort of multiple marked vehicles. The removal of a firefighter involved in a Line of Duty Death will normally include an escort to the funeral home by marked fire apparatuses and/or marked law enforcement units. As an example, in 2016, a police officer was killed in the line of duty in Texas. The deceased officer was taken from the hospital, where his death ultimately occurred, to the office of the chief medical examiner. The following morning, the officer’s department coordinated with the funeral home to receive the body of the officer from the medical examiner. There were several municipalities between the funeral home and the medical examiner’s office, and efforts were coordinated between each. Four patrol cars escorted mortuary staff from the funeral home to the medical examiner’s office in a diamond style pattern. This pattern included one patrol unit in front, one behind, and one to each side of the funeral coach. Upon arrival, other units already had the street leading to the medical examiner’s office closed and awaited the escorted funeral home’s arrival. While the coach was still parked inside a garage bay of the medical examiner’s office, the officer’s body was draped with an American flag before being placed in the coach. When prepared for transport back to the funeral home, the same escorts attended the funeral coach, but with many more officers working to stop traffic. Many officers worked together to stop all traffic in the city streets, as well as the freeways along the planned route. Officers from Arranging services When the organization of the deceased has written protocols and procedures, certain members of the organization will immediately be assigned to positions. When organizations are well prepared, the personnel acting in these roles will be trained and prepared to execute the duties assigned to them. These individuals will have specific task to perform and areas of the service they are prepared to coordinate and handle. These positions may vary according to the procedures established by the department and according to the situation. The positions and duties that may be assigned could include funeral coordinator, family liaison officer, public information officer, church coordinator, procession coordinator, and cemetery coordinator (Silloway, 2011). It is important for the funeral director to understand the capacity that these individuals will serve. This will enable the director to properly coordinate with that individual and/or have the appropriate staff member from

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family to the funeral home and/or the place of the service, as well as to the cemetery or other location of final disposition. This individual will be tasked with establishing staging areas, deciding upon routes, involvement of other agencies, and related tasks (Silloway, 2011). The cemetery coordinator will have the primary responsibility of coordinating all of the services to be held at the cemetery. This will include coordinating a plan for the parking of vehicles, both official and private. There may be considerations that need to be made for tight turns that fire apparatuses will need to make or of low hanging limbs of trees that may prevent the apparatuses from certain routes in the cemetery (Silloway, 2011). casket for the honor guard to practice with that will be used for the service. Most departments have a workout center with free weights. Placing weights in a similar casket to approximately equal the weight of the deceased will be helpful for the honor guard who will serve as pallbearers to prepare properly. The lead director of the service will be involved in numerous planning meetings until the day of the service. There will be planning meetings and a walk through of every venue involved in the service. As the service comes together, there will be an order of service and events that will come together. Whereas the typical order of service directors deal with includes the timing for the music, eulogies, and sermons, the order of service and events will include every component from the beginning of the setup to any reception that may be held after the service. Planning for the day of the service will likely include much more preparation than most other services. The details that should be considered are such as the areas that will need to be reserved for seating of various groups. Many Line of Duty Death services will be attended by large numbers of personnel from other organizations, local and/or state dignitaries, and civilians. As with all services, there should be ample seating reserved for the family of the deceased, including additional seats for those who may not be anticipated by the family. There will need to be additional sections reserved for members of the organization in which the deceased belonged. There should also be a section reserved for personnel from other agencies or departments. Additionally, consideration should be given to reserving ample seating for dignitaries who may be attending the service. When selecting where each reserved section will be located, it is advisable to consider the functions and activities planned for each group, such as a walk of honor being performed at the service. Following the lead vehicle and/or clergy vehicle will normally be the vehicle that is transporting the deceased. Traditionally, the casketed remains are transported in a funeral coach. When conducting services for Line of Duty Death services for fire service personnel, the deceased may be transported on a fire engine caisson. For those who are emergency medical services personnel, they may be transported in the rear of an ambulance or other official agency vehicle. To follow the funeral coach or caisson should be the vehicle(s) with the immediate family members. The family may be in funeral home provided limousines, busses secured by the funeral home or agency, or in official agency vehicles. The family will be followed by the agency vehicles in which the deceased was a member of, dignitaries, vehicles from other agencies, agency personnel in personal vehicles, visiting agency personnel in personal vehicles, and then all other vehicles. and prepare to receive the procession. Upon arrival of the procession, the casket should not be removed from the coach or caisson until the remainder of the procession has arrived and are prepared to receive the deceased. It is customary at

The church coordinator will be instrumental in coordinating many aspects of the service and ensuring that the teams that will be involved have everything in place that will be needed. Additionally, this individual will act as a liaison between other coordinators in preparing the various components of the service (Silloway, 2011). The procession coordinator will have the primary responsibility of planning and orchestrating the procession. This will likely be more than from the service to the cemetery, in the case of an interment. There will often be several processions involved in one service. The processions will normally be such as from the funeral home to the place of the service, a procession of the Family conference When a public servant is killed in the line of duty, there is a good chance that media outlets will be reporting on the events. These members of the media may be at the home of the family, as well as at the funeral home. Because of this media attention and for other reasons, the family may prefer to make arrangements at their home or an alternative location outside of the funeral home. There will likely be a representative of the agency that will assist the family in making arrangements. There will be many traditions and honors the department of the deceased will wish to observe and make available to the family. However, the funeral director and the representatives of the agency must honor the wishes of the family above all. The arrangement conference will include all of the same components as other arrangement conferences, with the addition of many more details than normal. Many of the honors and traditions may be currently in the planning and preparation phase, but awaiting the decisions of the family concerning services, final disposition, and which honors the family would like included. The family should be made aware of the honors and traditions being planned, as well as the ones which may be available. It is ultimately the decision of the family as to which, if any, of the traditions they would like included. Once the services have been arranged, the various components of the honors will begin their planning, preparation, and rehearsal in earnest. As an example, the honor guard will likely want to practice the exact steps they will take with the casket until every move is executed flawlessly. If the casket will be transported in a funeral coach, it may be helpful to make the coach available for the team to practice with. If possible, it can also be very helpful if the funeral home staff member who will be driving the coach on the day of the service is able to drive the coach as the honor guard rehearses. The optimal situation will be for the driver to use the same coach and provide a similar Procession The procession for any Line of Duty Death service will normally be greater in length and more complex than normal processions. For any personnel in law enforcement, the fire service, emergency medical services, or the like, there will likely be assistance available for traffic control and escorting of the procession. It is important to make certain the piper(s), drummer(s), bugler, and honor guard are able to arrive at the cemetery prior to the arrival of the procession. At the discretion of the funeral home and the director, an official agency vehicle may be used as the lead vehicle in the procession. The lead director can request to be in this vehicle to ensure the proper direction of the procession. If a director chooses to use an agency vehicle to lead the procession, consideration must be given to transportation for the clergy, minister, and/or chaplain. This can be in a funeral home vehicle directly behind the lead vehicle or in an agency vehicle. Graveside/Committal The Graveside or Committal Service is an important final tribute in a Line of Duty Death service. Depending upon availability and the wishes of the family, there will often be bagpipers and drummers who will arrive at the cemetery in advance

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